Where the stories start...

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


I am feeling it more this year than most.

Those fire-fighters and first responders rushed in while others watched TV or wailed and wrung their hands. A lot of them didn't make it out. A lot of them got cancer in later years.

And most of them would do it again.


  1. There's no way to argue with that brother.

  2. Read an interesting article, been ten years or so now. Anyway there was this doctor at George Washington University that was trying to help those people. He was using what he termed "Niacin Detox." Thirty days of high doses of Niacin and then a Sauna. Started at like 100 mgs of Niacin on day 1 and increased it until around day 20 they were at 5,000 mgs and then stayed at 5,000 mgs until 30 days. Saw incredible detox results.

  3. Lost friends that day and a ton of people I knew. We lived out in the Catskills. Many people did not come home that night or ever.
    Led to 2 deployments for me and two for each of my sons and more friends lost


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