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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Atchafalya Basin Cypress Harvest


A friend asked me to post this sixty-second video about the Atchafalya Basin second-growth Bald Cypress. Cypress wood is exceptionally rot resistant. It seems to be a shame to turn it into wood-chips for mulch.


  1. The place name's first two letters are silent. Pronounced shaff a lie uh.

  2. The Peachtree Plantation up close the the South Santee River in SC still has cypress lintles in "the basement". The second floor and roof burned off of it in the late 1700's after having been built in the late 1600's. The first rice mill was on that plantation reducing the manpower required to process rice from 26 to 1. Driven by tidel entrapment that you can still see, probably also made of cypress. Roger

    1. I've got a little duck boat made from George Town SC Black River Cypress strips. I've had it for 40yrs. I've used it every year duck hunting.

  3. True Blue Sam who is on my blog-roll was a forester in south-eastern Illinois during his working years. He likes Bald Cypress because it has a lot of site adaptability, grows fast AND is more forgiving about being browsed by Whitetail Deer than most conifers.

    We have some specimens of Bald Cypress growing in in the City of Eaton Rapids.

  4. Dad floored our living room in Cypress. It's an ornery wood to polish, but it's worth the effort. Smells awesome too. We had a damp problem, that's why he chose cypress. Love me some of that timber!

  5. I just cut up a couple Cypress logs into mantle pieces for a customer w/ my portable sawmill 3 weeks ago! It's nice wood. Not at all sappy like pine.

  6. I live in the basin. Very true that cypress is rot resistant. Important in South Louisiana. Maybe more important is Formosa Termites won’t eat it. They are horrible here

    It is heartbreaking to be in the swamp and see those old stumps and wish you could have seen the tree.

    Our recently constructed hunting camp in North Louisiana is entirely salvaged cypress.

  7. Well I'll be dipped... 2 bucks each.


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