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Monday, July 8, 2024

Walking update

Today was a fourteen-mile-day.

I walked 11.5 miles in the morning. First break was 90 minutes after I started and I slugged down 20 oz of electrolyte. A few minutes later I adjusted the straps on the day-pack I was using. We had company and I didn't get bottles pre-positioned so I stuck 4, 20 oz bottles, two small packages of trail-mix and two granola bars into the day-pack.

At the half-way point, looking West

Looking South

Looking North

Could this be any more perfect? Close to half-way point.

Second drinking break was at 2:25. Third break was 3:15. I pulled into my start point at 3:49:14 which is about as close to averaging 3mph as is humanly possible.

Then, this afternoon, I went for a 2.5 mile walk with Mrs ERJ.

11 more miles to get my 65 miles in!

Added later....0.5 miles on July 9 and 10 miles on July 10.

Bonus images

A 15" steel wheel will nest in a 16" steel wheel. THe wood on top is from an apricot tree that was culled. I added 6" long "bagels" of wood and they made great coals.

I saw this at the Independence Day Parade in Eaton Rapids and thought it was a great idea.

Good help is in short supply. Somebody screwed-the-pooch when seeding this wheat field. The farmers are running late into tonight harvesting wheat to beat the rain storms.

What the weather-guessers are saying. Almost 4" of rain over two days. For Michigan, that is a right-smart amount of rain. It looks like I better walk my last 11 miles before 2:00 PM.


  1. A good day and good weather! Nice!!!

  2. Yeah, that hurricane could be a Godsend of rain, or a terrible windy storm. Guess we'll find out shortly.

  3. That is a lot of road time sir. We are in awe of your commitment to getting this done ! Seriously - good job !

  4. That is a very respectful hike for a single go, let alone another 2.5 miles on top of that. Well done!


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