Where the stories start...

Monday, July 8, 2024

A random conversation

After Mass yesterday, I dropped Mrs ERJ off at a grocery-store while I went shopping for some hardware.

Knowing that I would finish before she did, I hung-out in front of the Subway Sandwich emporium at the front of the grocery store. While I was sitting there, a gentleman who was clearly older than I am asked if he could also sit on the bench.

"Sure. No problem" I replied.

He was originally from Southern Indiana and had been a cop for several years. Back in the day "Satanists" were their biggest problem.

Today they would probably be diagnosed as Bipolar or Schizophrenic. Think Hannibal Lector type crazy. Saying "The Devil is in that brain" is probably about as simple and as accurate as what the brain-scientists can come up with. Loonie-tunes and dangerous.

Just for the record, 34 million prescriptions were written for just the top 4 bipolar/schizophrenia drugs in 2020. The official base-rate for officially diagnosed BP/Sc is a freckle less than 1.0% even though 34 million is 10% of the US population.*

My new buddy quit the police force when he broke up a domestic disturbance where the man had the woman pinned down and was pummeling her for all he was worth.

He pulled the man off the woman and the man would not calm down. So New Friend cold-cocked him...just before the woman scrambled New Friend's brains with a cast iron fry-pan.

Avoid violent people. If you cannot avoid them, prepare for violence.

*Edited to add, Senior Citizens, especially ones in nursing homes, tend to be heavily medicated. A doped-up oldster is easier to care-for than a fiesty one and who is to contradict a CNA if he/she claims the patient became difficult?


  1. Just wait till the medications are no longer available.

    1. That’s why I’m stocking up on Cu/Pb behavior modification pills.

    2. I think those are considered "Mood-stabilizers".

  2. More and more it seems to me such people are truly demonically oppressed/possessed. I don’t know what the incidence of each is, or of true plain mental disorders that are not spiritual, but I am becoming more and more convinced that we in the West make a grave mistake by not calling spiritual disturbances what they are. Can’t say that’s the case in every given instance, but I’d wager it’s more common than we think.

  3. A guy at work had to put his elderly father in a (medicare) facility.
    Long story short, it would seem they were drugging his dad into a coma so they wouldn't have to deal with him.......

  4. An interesting take on Schizophrenia.

  5. Keep holy the sabbath. Try not to shop on Sundays


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