Where the stories start...

Friday, June 28, 2024

Ten seconds of the debate

Mrs ERJ wanted to listen to the debate.

She walked into the living room listening to it on her smartphone.

At first I thought she was listening to a Trump impersonator. He sounded less NYC, less abrasive and bombastic, more reasonable. It was almost as if he was channeling Reagan's "Well, there you go again" persona.

Then a Joe Biden "impersonator" responded. He sounded like somebody with emphysema, barking out short, angry sentences with the words crammed together...like he had no air left in his lungs. His words tumbled out of his mouth all tangled together like passengers deplaning a burning 737.

I grabbed a seed catalog and evacuated the room. I already know who I am going to vote for. I don't need to listen to the debate.


  1. The theatre of the whole spectacle is what gets me. Does anyone take these things seriously anymore? I mean if the whole uni-party thing hasn't cured of the notion yet, what's it going to take?

  2. CNN and the “moderators” are thimble-riggers of low degree.

  3. Mrs. Neck wanted to watch it on the TeeVee. I refused to have anything to do with it. She ended up watching it on her phone in another room and I watched an old western.



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