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Friday, June 28, 2024

Fake News Friday: Dems fast-track replacing Kamala with Johnny Depp


It is reported that Democratic king-makers are fast-tracking the replacement of Vice President Kamala Harris with actor Johnny Depp. They are looking for somebody who is experienced with cleaning up after somebody shits-the-bed.

In related news, Biden strategists float the idea of finally admitting Trump won the last election. They claim that the Constitution prohibits Trump from running a third time since he already won twice.


  1. Ya know, honestly, that last one is crazy enough they just might try it.

    1. I think the actual language is "served" and not "elected" so it won't fly.

    2. Worse if they really want to burn it all down to rule over the ashes (Sun Tzu) they ALLOW Trump to serve and be the scapegoat for the American Public seems to have the memory of a goldfish.

      Then THEY return to SAVE the Day. (Insert Trumpets here).

      Either way BAD TIMES for We the People as our entire Empire and it's "Money" is at great risk.

      "Full Faith and Creditworthiness" of the USA, ya know.


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