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Monday, June 17, 2024

I had a great Father's Day

I had a great Father's Day (and birthday celebration). Due to  scheduling conflicts of my kids' work schedules, it made sense to combine my birthday celebration (I was born in June) with Father's Day. Even so, only three of the four were able to attend.

Gifts were very low-key. I received some music, a couple of shirts and two expanding file folders. Mrs ERJ got me the folders to organize my garden seeds by the month that the seeds are to be planted. I guess she felt-my-pain as I rummaged around trying to find the seeds to plant THIS month.

Life was lovely until about midnight when the first of 3-or-4 thunderstorm cells swept into the area. That was unexpected. Zeus does not like thunder and he let us know about it.

So...birthday boy got to sleep on the couch last night because one of my "kids" is afraid of thunder. Mrs ERJ got to sleep in the bed because she put on a FABULOUS party.

Weather look-ahead

The daily highs will be about 15 degrees (F) above average for the next few days. The humidity will be low and there will be large day-night temperature swings. That means we can play-the-bounce and run the A/C starting at sunset and turning it off at sunrise. Then closing most of the curtains in the house and letting the temperature "coast" through the daylight hours.

I was very surprised by the rain. We picked up about an inch of rain. I had an impulse sprinkler running all night. That patch of garden is very well watered.

That amount of rain means that running the tiller is not an option for about three days. Tilling is a Goldilocks proposition when it comes to moisture. Completely dry makes a lot of dust and the soil can be rock-hard. Too much moisture means the soil will first turn into wet concrete and then will not be fluffy when it dries. Experience taught me that three days of dry weather after a significant rain are about perfect with regards to easy and effective tilling (for MY soil in MY climate).

Today's plans

I need to make a trip to a Big-Box building supply store to purchase wire terminals. Handsome Hombre has a piece of equipment that will not start due to the ring-terminal to one of the battery posts fatiguing. He is working 10 hours a day and I am not.

While I am at the Big-Box I might buy a box-fan.

There is a store next to the Big-Box I want to visit but it does not open until 9:00 so I will time the trip so I will hit the parking lot of the Big-Box at 8:30.

I might take Zeus for a swim to help him beat-the-heat.

I need to run a finer-mesh fence around the bottom of the fence enclosing Mrs ERJ's garden. I (almost) caught a rabbit red-handed but it squirmed-and-wormed its way out through the 2"-by-3" mesh. It wasn't a very big rabbit but it was big enough to wipe out a row of young lettuce plants.

I might put a little bit of fertilizer on the patch that received a double-dose of water. I will dissolve it in some water and side-dress the plants. I will do that at mid-day to give the dirt time to firm-up.


  1. That ring terminal is not designed for battery connections. It might work, but is not the proper one.

    Better to get the proper crimpable terminal.

    1. Yeah, that is what I use in grounding applications. Lightning and power surge is a real stinker where I live. Perhaps replacing the rings and using some "bulb grease" they sell at the auto parts which I think is di-electric grease but have never had a handy microscope in order to read the package. Roger - amateur electrician

    2. Take a picture of pkg directions and blow it up to readable print on phone.

    3. Yep, just making fun of the print size on the package.

  2. Yup, weather is to be scorching here for the week.
    We missed the huge storms we were promised yesterday and only got a very short mostioning.
    We need rain !!!!!!

  3. This seems to be an odd year for weather, if I read other people's posts correctly. I have not been here long enough to get a feel for what Summer will be like, although I am assured we do reach 90 or higher for part of the year (still relatively humidity free though, which is a blessing.

  4. Bought at window fan at wally world today, actually. It was 28 dollars when I grabbed it off the shelf and brought it to the register. If I ordered it online and picked it up at the front of the store, it was only 20. WTF is wrong with our world...?

  5. That's a smart idea with the folders! And yes, the pups get 'care' and we get turfed... sigh


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