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Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Modest Proposal

Let the kids run.

Donald Trump, Jr


Hunter Biden


They don't even need to reprint the ballots. Just a bit of white-out here-and-there.


  1. Or maybe: Father's Sons: Led by example

    1. I happened to catch DT, Jr when he was on The View. I thought "What an idiot, to walk into the lionesses' den."

      I was wrong. He handled himself with poise and he stiff-armed them with facts. He strolled through the interview.

      DT, Jr would hold his own against anybody, IMHO.

  2. Nope. Trump Jr woukd not get out the votes that Dad will.

    This election needs to win past the margin of D cheat.

  3. I think they should be champions for their dads. Winner take all fight....
    Two men enter, one man leaves. that sort of fight.

    National coverage. Like the election debates only with real blood.

  4. LOL! As if elections actually mattered. If voting made a difference it would be illegal. Been that way for decades.

  5. It's hard to trust a man who could bring himself to marry Gavin Newsom's ex-wife.


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