Where the stories start...

Monday, May 6, 2024

Seasonal Tourette Syndrome

Like many fellow sufferers of Seasonal Tourette Syndrome, my symptoms flare up in late spring.

I am taking the usual precautions. I shaved my head and beard. I am wearing brightly colored clothing and I am avoiding people who are sensitive to random cussing.

It helps me manage the symptoms but doesn't really address the root causes of the cussing and the ticks.

I am about a week behind in the gardening. There are only so many days when the sun shines in May. My body can only be pushed so hard. Sometimes motorized equipment doesn't want to start or is "down" for maintenance.

During tick season, Mrs ERJ often mutters "You need to have your head examined", consequently the removal of my above-the-neck pelt.

The second installment on "Grifters" will be delayed.


  1. Lol... as a reader I peruse these missives, chuckle to myself and let my mind wander and see how many versions of the story I can imagine..
    Dying to know the nuts and bolts behind the story, but sometimes its best left to the readers imagination!

  2. The brightly colored clothes for avoidance is a thoughtful touch.

    1. My beautiful wife tells me that it is easier to see creepy-crawly things I picked up outside when I am wearing light or bright colors.

  3. Here in western middle TN. the ticks are crazy bad. I trimmed my hair and beard with the quarter inch comb on the clippers. Another mild winter (4 in a row) makes for a hellova crop this year.
    Seasonal Tourettes, he, he, yeah, that gives me plausible deniability.


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