Where the stories start...

Monday, May 6, 2024

Getting the monkey off my back

First break

Black Locust seeds have an impermeable seed-coat. One way of degrading that seed-coat is to dump the seeds into boiling (212F) water for 60 seconds and stir. Then to add cool water to bring the temp to about 100F and let them soak for four hours.

Before and after pictures

April 6

Approx April 20

Mixed peppers on left, Ukrainian Orange Icicle on right

Red Cajun onion on left, Stupice tomato on right


Miscellaneous peppers


  1. Replies
    1. Volunteer to help an old lady re-roof her house with asphalt shingles. Use short nails. As your left thumb heals, it will go through stages...black -> to -> blue -> green -> gray -> pink. Repeat as often as necessary.


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