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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Scott Galloway on TED



Galloway identifies as a "Liberal". Even as a "conservative", he is throwing scorching-hot fastballs down the center of the strike zone. Five minute run-time.

1 comment:

  1. He says that young people are angry because they don't earn as much.
    Did he mean, they weren't *given* as much by their parents? It's easier today to make money than ever before. Get a job, show up every day, on time and clean, and you'll rise to the top. These complaining young people he's listening to don't do that, so of course no one wants to hire them, so of course they're poor.
    This guy is using the simplistic black-and-white worldview of network news.
    I'd give substantial odds that the young complainers are predominately public-schoolers from agnostic households.


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