Where the stories start...

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Presented without comment



  1. As I believe Jim Treacher trenchantly said, the keffiyeh is just the new hipster swastika.

  2. Seems like too many of those bodies lying around used to wear that scarf. To call those civilians that were blasted to bits by US bombs dropped by Israeli pilots -Nazi- is a bit convoluted.

    Tens of thousands dead so far and thirst, starvation and disease are the forces the real Nazis are using to finish the job! Just like the real Nazis used gas because that was the only affordable way to kill in mass.

    There is almost no one preaching in front of a church that has any moral authority left at this point. You must turn inside and listen to that quiet inner voice that knows right from wrong. If it say kill! I suggest you start ignoring it and just use a simpler metric of "Killing bad, not killing good."

  3. Root Cause?

    A Death Cult continuing to wage war on western civilization for 1400 years.

    Religions do not force their members to stay or die. They do not have as their goal subjugation of all people (infidels). Ergs islam is not a religion - it is a death cult.

    Change my mind.


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