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Sunday, May 22, 2022

Hercules' birthday

Belladonna reminded me that today is Hercules' birthday. Hercules is the German Shepherd that was Bella's guardian and confidant for almost ten years.

She suggested that it would be OK with her if I posted a few pictures.

Cheeseburgers make the perfect doggie birthday cake!

He loved playing fetch with the frisbee. I think he would play all day if our arms could hold out.

The last picture. The prednisone worked for a while but then crashed and crashed hard. Waiting for that last trip to the vet's office.


  1. Happy birthday to Hercules; shepherds are always good woofers. <3

  2. You have my sympathy. The older we get the harder losing our pets becomes. I lost my dog Buckshot on April 1 when he was 14 years and 7 months old. Every day I still mourn for him. I think I always will. ---ken

  3. Cheeseburger for birthday is an excellent idea. Here via Mr. Wilder.

    1. Welcome aboard, TOH. Stay as long as you like. We have a big tent here.

  4. They leave us physically but never vacate our heart.

  5. Have you heard of 'Goodbye at Home' vets, that come to your house to do the deed? They're a little more money but well worth it. I've used them the last 3 dogs I've said goodbye to.

  6. That last picture is rough. I've seen that look too many times. "Dad, I hurt so bad. Please make it stop." And you do, because you don't have a choice. But then you hurt so bad, and there's no one to make it stop.


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