Where the stories start...

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Trucks, weather and work

Yesterday was my weekend.  I took food to my parents.  Then I picked up Kubota and we looked at used trucks.

Kubota got his license last week and is seriously in the market.  His major issue right now is that he has Dom Pérignon tastes and a tap water budget.

We looked at a clean 1996 Chevy half-ton.  Two wheel drive.  Good tires. 350 cid V8.  Air conditioning. The engine has 150K on it and the rest of the truck has 330K miles.  The asking price was $1500 and Kubota wanted nothing to do with it.

I wonder if showing him trucks is a waste of time.  It is hard to know if the disconnect between the market and his budget is getting through to him.  Or maybe he is just not ready for the responsibilities, and costs, of owning a vehicle.


Images from Accuweather.
Today is going to be a scorcher.  I expect that I will be in-and-out of the buildings with more time outside than inside.  As bad as it is for me, I am glad I do not have to wear "turn-out" gear like a firefighter or body armor like a cop.

Today is also my long day.  I figure it will be just like running a long distance.  Listen to all of the parts of my body and slow down when they start talking.  If they keep talking, slow down even more.

You know you have been working when...
Your hands are stiff and puffy.  My day off was much appreciated.  I feel better today.

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