Where the stories start...

Friday, September 22, 2017

Fake News Friday


The real reason for the mass extinction of amphibians.  Fast forward to the forty-second mark.  Frogs watching pron star Anne Lida do her thing...nNo longer eating or mating, populations plummet.

You read it here first.  ERJ FNF

Hat-tip to BigheadRob

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Joe. Just wanted to let you know I am still alive. I have of course seen your name on a few of the popular blogs from time to time, but had to write and let you know I am still alive. I have written a few posts on occasion for some blogs, like the Blue Collar Prepper, etc. I have retired with full disability due to chronic daily migraines and a back injury due to a car wreck when I was 20, that makes it tough now. I actually broke my back. I had been working part time in a trailer park as a maintenance man. My wife and I hit 25 years married this month and are heading out to the east coast for a vacation tomorrow morning. I hope you are doing well, I see that you are working again, so I hope that is a good thing. The temperature hit 93 degrees in Muskegon today, which is hotter than we had all summer. Stay well, and best wishes to you and your family.


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