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Sunday, September 3, 2023

Presented without comment



  1. Am I just disaster exhausted? Is this a disaster or inconvenience? It rained. Right? Generally flat land, there isn't a clump of humanity and tents being flushed down to their death? I sure Hope it's okay to have No emotional or even intellectual giving of even a singular Hoot. I have gathered, possibly in error, that the ones who go there are largely the kinda people who Would drive a tesla. Thinking that doesn't make me even the slightest more sensitive to their little problem.

    1. Regarding the Tesla comment: Mother Nature doesn't give a singular hoot about how many gigabytes of money humans have in their bank accounts even though many humans have the belief, almost religious in its fervor, that money shields against all inconvenience and disaster.

      So rather than take simple steps to avoid inconveniences they try to pave over them with money.

      Speaking from a clinical standpoint, stumbling is a very minor inconvenience. Skinning your knee is and inconvenience. An infected wound is a serious inconvenience and MRSA or flesh-eating infections are life-threatening, personal disasters.

      Burning Man is another incarnation of the "For Want of a Nail" ditty.

  2. I like the Lord of the Fly's vibe starting to come off. Burning Man has long had a F' the man attitude. If you reject the Man's Rules, be prepared to take care of yourself.
    IDK if I feel even less concern than I did when those rich jerks got scammed over the luxury concert a couple of years ago. Probably not possible to care less.

  3. ERJ, this points to a fundamental issue with most of the modern world, at least the modern world that lives in urban centers: there is simply no respect or concern for the fact that Nature can turn on a dime.

    When we go hiking, we directly or indirectly prepare for as many outcomes as we can think of. Rain happens. Snow happens. Injuries happen. A bear gets your food or your water filter freezes. You are out in Nature and at best, help is likely hours away if not a day or more (not to mention expensive at that). Wise hikers, campers, and outdoorsfolk of all kinds do not take such things for granted.

    This is an example of urban people "living in the rough" but still planning on everything functioning as if help was only a short distance away.

    I do wonder the long term formative experience some of these folks will have. Perhaps simply starting with that most basic of mottos, "Be Prepared".

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