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Sunday, September 3, 2023

Apple-picking weather


Lows in the fifties and highs in the seventies makes for fine apple-picking weather.

Ideally, I like to have the apples cool when they come off of the tree. Packing a bunch of hot apples into a bag hastens their ripening...ethylene production and all that.

Pepper spray

I got an email from Belladonna asking if I had any pepper-spray I could let her use.

Well, I might. But I don't know if the pepper spray I chose would best meet her needs.

I reached out to an expert who I believe is at least twenty-times smarter about this kind of thing and asked for his advice. He humbly shook his head and wrote 

"I'm not an expert on pepper spray, but Greg Ellifritz is.  Here's his overview:

Also, see his other articles dealing with its use:

If you are adverse to reading, a few quick take-aways:
  • You need to be able to read the threat environment and start accessing your pepper-spray BEFORE you need it.
  • You need to be able to access your pepper-spray in one or two seconds. JUST LIKE CONCEALED CARRY. The pepper-spray you have with you is better than the pepper-spray that is sitting in the drawer at home.
  • Give serious thought to how you are going to carry it and to the threat environment you will be in. For most people, a 1/2 oz spray with a flip-top safety is likely to be a pretty good compromise. If multiple assailants are a possibility then either carry multiple copies of the spray or the 1/2 oz one and a larger size in a pocket or purse for back-up.
  • The weakest link is the person who carries the pepper-spray. Practice, practice and then practice some more. Practice digging it out. Practice spraying a cardboard target. Learn what the maximum effective range really is.
  • Use short 1/2 second bursts.
  • Move backwards while spraying so-as to not be overcome by the aerosol and to put distance between you and the (hopefully) blinded attacker.
  • Continue to put up a screen of mist and move backwards until your attacker(s) is/are incapacitated, and them make a break for safety. High-heels are not recommended.

This is a reasonable choice for most people who think a parking ramp is a likely venue for being attacked. Remember, 10 feet is about three paces. You need to have it in your hand, thumb on the go-button and have mist-in-the-air while they are between three-paces and before they get within grabbing distance of you.


  1. ERJ - Thank you for this. Although I have not been asked, having three daughters makes this a useful and timely link.

    My bigger concern is why Belladonna would suddenly be asking about it. Hopefully just for general practice purposes.

    Thanks for the apple information. I think the apples on my father's tree are actually going to ripen this year; if so, they be ready on my next trip out.

    1. Belladonna's job is in the downtown of a "legacy" city. She works third shift. And, as the daylight gets shorter, she it will be dark when she walks into the building and out of the building.

    2. Ah, makes sense. I will add her to the prayer list.

  2. Hello Joe. Please consider a article on how central banks demonic currencies are highly inflationary. I will send a copy to my liberal fiends..friends. Thank you. Woody To hot to pick apples

  3. It would also be smart to have Johnsons baby shampoo on hand as it is one of the few things that neutralizes it should you get it on yourself

  4. Are tasers an option?
    They sell some pretty heavy duty ones at the gun stores here in TN.

  5. Early 2000's girl walking from mall retail job to car in the dark.
    She had it in her hand, she wasn't able to move as he had her against the car.
    She flooded his eyes and mouth.
    He was able to beat her severely, hospital for a few days severely.
    We looked all over the area, never found him but at least he lost the erection he planned on sharing.

  6. When walking in public places where the need for pepper spray is a possibility the only reasonable method is to PUT THE CELL PHONE AWAY and carry the pepper spray in your off hand ready for use. Anything else will not allow time for deployment.

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