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Saturday, April 30, 2022

Potato photos


Stored in the pantry beneath our porch over the winter.

A little bit of shriveling but the potatoes look pretty good

Good internal quality. I have some white potatoes and some yellows. I pulled seed from three different boxes to get a mix of varieties.

Enough pieces cut to plant a row, plus a little bit.

The S&P 500. Hash-mark depicts Election day 2020. It will be interesting to see where it is on Election day 2022.

I don't care who you are: That is funny. Occasional-Cortex is the one who said "mean tweets" about her were motivated by a desire to get into bed with her.


  1. ERJ - The potatoes look great! Good luck! In Old Home I had reasonable luck with potatoes; not so much luck in New Home (although sweet potatoes do well).

    Re: Elon Musk. His ability to use modern media tools is unique. A great many people could learn from him.

  2. I find it interesting what is happening on Twitter now because his purchase of it won't close for a while, at least week and it could be up to a couple months before regulators approve it (and that is without those regulators slow walking said approvals, which I assume they will since many of them are also liberals)

  3. Saw your post about planting 480' of potatoes. Who exactly are you feeding?
    Not really my question. Would you know why some of my potatoes are turning green while in storage? They are stored in cool dark conditions. Can't think of chemical name at moment, age, but I know it is not good for you.
    Also, IMHO, fresh dug potatoes make the best french fries I've ever had. Thank you.

    1. I guess you don't know about his souped up hot rod and the many gallon jugs in his barn.

    2. All I can think of is that they are getting light or they had green-up before you dug them and for whatever reason the green is more visible now.

      You know, Rick. You promised you wouldn't tell. See if i trust you with any more secrets.

  4. Trying my hand at random store-bought potato starts this year. Doing surprisingly well in the un-augmented desert soil (clay and sand mostly, some caliche formations) in rural sonora desert NW of Tucson. Still unsure about how much water they need (its already in mid-90's here), and the whole 'mounding' thing. So far most success with one plant that is in ground growing into two old tires, two others in a wood frame with a screen providing shade also doing better than average. A bottomless 5 gal plastic bucket seems to be helping too - planning a few more of these as I find buckets to mutilate. Also need to see about maybe planting more as our growing season runs until late October - maybe under some mesquite trees.

  5. If you ain't planted yet, wait till the 18th,19th,22,23,27 or 28th, thats the time to plant root crops in May according to the almanac.


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