Where the stories start...

Friday, April 29, 2022

Day Two of Bachelorhood

I made Belladonna a cup of coffee in the morning.

I planted a row-and-a-half of potatoes.

I went and spent two hours with Mom. She was lucid. The folks at the home have gotten great enjoyment out of Borepatch's "Dad jokes". The one about "What do you call a pig with three eyes?" had them in stitches.

I did some shopping while in The Bit City. I ran into two of Mrs ERJ's friends. Fortunately, they did not catch me in front of the Little Debbie snack-cake shelving.

I finished planting the potatoes after I got home. Total length of row is about 480 feet (8 rows at 60' each). I planted more closely then I ever have in the past. I planted 10" apart in the rows with the rows 42" apart. If my math is correct, 18 pounds of urea will add 200 pounds of N per acre.

I sprayed nettles with 2,4-d. Nettles are hogs for nitrogen. Knocking back the nettles means that the plants that produce food get the nutrients.

I mowed a little bit of grass and now I am whipped.

Tomorrow's big event is to attempt a five-mile run.

Tired is good.


  1. Mr ERJ, I know your having fun with your few days of solitude but I'm sure Mrs ERJ will get a big hug when she returns. Have fun, sir. Allan

  2. Sounds like a good day overall!


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