Where the stories start...

Sunday, September 15, 2024

We didn't know it was the Elite's theme song



  1. If there is one thing you’ve learned from ERJ and his books and blogs, you should note that neither the red team nor the blue team is going to save us. In fact no .gov at any level will be doing so.

    We are on our own.

    Many paradigms formerly known as civil society, religion, culture, law, order, agriculture, energy, and goods production will undergo severe shifts over the next 5-6 years and all supply chains will get LOCAL very quickly as modern systems are destroyed.

    Cloward-Piven strategy is in motion.

    War and civil unrest is on deck if the powers that be have their way.

    Supply of goods and of services, including law and order both are very much in play over this same time frame and many will suffer as a result.


    Unfortunately - violence and crime beget by hungry bellies will follow us to a local level. Hard decisions will need to be made w respect to in/out group.

    Divide and conquer is their method.

    When you have two or three months or two or three weeks or two or three days of food left, how many newcomers will you choose to host and feed?

    The nation states and global banksters who back them NEED WAR to distract us from their fiscal mismanagement and grift of the whole financial system since Bretton Woods I/II.

    $$$ Reset is inevitable.

    There will never be a speech where the politicians and banksters stand and apologize about the sudden vaporization of your 401k, pension, social security, or healthcare. They will simply blame it on this darned old WAR!

    They care not about the local suffering or death of the people. They have an agenda that few can fathom - much less see in motion. Ukraine is exhibit A. Wrecked.

    May they fail in the USA, and may our individual rights and freedom survive on the other side of this.

    2032 is looking like a milestone for those wanting a timeline for all of this madness.

    Pray for peace. Pray for peace. Pray for peace, but fight like hell for our constitution and the bill of rights.

    We are the last refuge…

    1. Yup.
      That pretty well sums up how we see it.
      Building relationships and doing 'prudent' things,
      A little East of Paris ...

  2. I was slipping through the cracks of stolen jewel
    I was tightrope walking in two ton shoes

    Now somebody's talking a third world war
    I've been caught in a mind riot
    And the police said "This is normal control"
    I've been caught in a mind riot

    Candles burning yesterday
    Somebody's best friend died
    I've been caught in a mind riot

    I was crying from my eye teeth and bleeding from my soul
    And I sharpened my wits on a dead man's skull
    I built an elevator from his bones
    Had to climb to the top floor to stamp out the coals

    Candles burning yesterday
    Somebody's best friend died
    I've been caught in a mind riot

    I'm tied within

    Candle's burning yesterday
    Like somebody's best friend died
    I've been caught in a mind riot

    I'm luck's last match struck
    In the pouring down wind
    Pouring down wind

    Mind Riot


  3. Vehicle. My memory told me this was "Chicago". My memory is flawed.


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