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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

It is a little bit dry out there

We have had 0.6" of rain in the last month vs. 3.3" of evaporation potential. The top layers of soil are getting pretty dry.

We are sitting at 2850 Growing Degree Days b50 vs a median value of about 2700 GDDb50 for this date.

Our median growing season (assuming net photosynthesis stops on October 15) is about 2900 GDDb50. 2021 was the outlier at 3300 GDDb50 on October 15 but the rest of the data is fairly tightly clustered.


  1. "They" say that we are to get some rain next week here in Michiana. I'll take what ever is provided. I am fortunate to have a good well to draw from. Being in close proximity of the St. Joe River helps I'm sure.

  2. Weather is gonna do what it does, regardless of what 'we' want... sigh

  3. ERJ, rain is much more plentiful in here in New Home 2.0. That, at least, is a nice benefit.

  4. Moral relativism and drought on parade:

    You have 3yrs of food saved up

    3 months of food

    3 weeks of

    3 days

    You are out of food

    Now what?

    1. You ever see a man who’s kids haven’t eaten for 17 days and counting?




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