Where the stories start...

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Fine Art Tuesday


There are at least four artists who go by the name Heinrick Hoffmann (or some variant of it). This Heinrick Hoffmann was born in 1859 in Kassel and died in 1933.

His paintings are mostly of the post-card type...bucolic and peaceful. I saw one of his pieces (or a reproduction) at an estate sale. Unfortunately, I was not able to find that same piece to add to the collection.

The unkind would dismiss him as an "illustrator" rather than as an artist.

 Bonus image (Schenk, not Hoffmann)


  1. Thanks as always, ERJ.

    That bonus picture is pretty powerful.

    1. Yes. It is a kick-in-the-teeth after the pastoral images from Hoffmann.


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