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Friday, September 6, 2024

Fake News Friday: Kennedy sues Michigan for removing Biden from the 2024 POTUS ballot

Jocelyn Benson, the Secretary of State of the State of Michigan refused to remove Robert Kennedy's name from the 2024 POTUS ballot even though he suspended his campaign and requested that his name be removed.

Jocelyn Benson is a Democrat and most critics attribute her refusal to the fact that Kennedy is likely to pull more votes from Trump (a Republican) than from Harris (a Democrat).

Kennedy's campaign turned the table on Benson by filing suites against her demanding that she also include Biden on the 2024 ballots.

Additionally, Kennedy's campaign purchased large blocks of advertising on social media in swing-states and threatened to run "Write in Biden" ads if Kennedy's name is not removed from the ballot.

Sneak previews of the ads that were forwarded to the ERJ blog showed montages of Joe Biden unequivacally stating that he was not going to stand-down as the Democratic candidate for POTUS. The ads implied that the cowardly Harris/Walz faction seized the moment when he was quarantined with Covid to stab him in the back.

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