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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Short memory?


'Something wonderfully magical is in the air, isn't it?' (Michelle) Obama said as the crowd gave her a hero's welcome at United Center in Chicago

'Not just here in this arena, but spreading all across this country we love, a familiar feeling that's been buried too deep for too long. You know what I'm talking about? It's the contagious power of hope.'

News Flash: The last four years was billed by the Democrats as "Obama's third term". If "hope" died and was buried, it by the Obamas and the shadowy figures lurking in smoke-filled, back-rooms of D.C., Silicon Valley and Davos.


  1. One of the things I've noted lately, is the ability of politicians of all stripes, but particularly democrats, to lie.
    I don't mean making campaign promises that you've no intention of ever filling (lock her up!)
    I don't mean fudging statistics to make the data sound better (labor dept. 'revised' their jobs data by a number larger than the population of 4 of our states yesterday, whoops. Forgot to carry the 1 when you did the math? So you missed by 820k?)

    We're all used to the silver tongue of politicians and their ability to dance around a subject for 10 minutes of word-salad without actually saying anything. No, I'm not talking about that stuff we're all used to (remember when 'gerrymandering' was considered 'election interference'? Hahah, lol, man, those were the good days!)

    I'm talking about whoppers.
    Telling outright fabrications.
    Lies not just of omission, but straight up falsehoods.

    "I was a Lt. Colonel in the National Guard".
    Nope, never finished the classes, so you never got the patch. How can you say you're something you're not?

    I could go on... but what's the point? These people aren't called out for the lies they make. Bald faced lies right in your face, they challenge you (*us*) to confront them, and we walk away, back down, don't take the challenge. THEY'RE LYING TO YOU! The press throws cover, and nobody challenges the press! THEY'RE LYING TO YOU TOO!
    Why? Why do we sit there, watching the piss run down our face, and not fight back when we're told it's rain?

    1. In the long run, they are all dead.

      In the short run, if you are like me, you will be dead. I figure that I have 20 years left on the clock if I am lucky.

      The "kids" who created the mess and who are all-in on forcing it into every corner are the ones who are going to have to fly on planes maintained by incompetent people with anger-management issues and drink water from plants run by incompetent managers. They are the ones who are going to live in apartment blocks with Section 8 grifters.

      The "younger" people with traditional values are collapsing back to defensible islands of like-minded people. They are better at keeping their mouths shut than I ever was. They work in construction and heavy manufacturing and other jobs that still require heavy lifting and long hours.

      In the end, the Wokesters and the Trads will pretty much inherit the two different worlds they deserve.

      In the long-run, it has always been a self-correcting situation.

    2. They figure the indoctrination is just about complete and they don't need to do anything other than what they are doing. So many just go along to get along.
      Why? Why do we sit there, watching the piss run down our face, and not fight back when we're told it's rain? The better question is : who's going to be first?

    3. I see it coming too. That's why I'm looking to move to a place where I have my own well that I maintain and where I can reasonably drive to everybody important to me - yes, a bridge could collapse, but that is less likely than an airplane accident, and when you factor in the bureaucracy of flying, there is no contest.
      My ideal place will also have enough rainfall and acreage that we can grow food if we need to, and be in a quiet rural area away from cities and their stupidity.

  2. I'm purposefully avoiding watching the DNC Dog and Pony Installment lest my blood pressure shoot up crazy high. I'm just determined to be available to vote this November. I have no control over others manipulating the vote - i just hope they are caught and are prosecuted, un-like what happened 4 years ago where the Right protest on Jan. 6 2020 overshadowed the vote investigation. Insurrection my eye !

    IF nothing else, the past 4 years illustrate what works and what doesn't and the effects of Bad Policy has on all of us. Choose Wisely and Pray Without Ceasing as what the header above advises us..

  3. Follow their example, Obama's Marthas Vinyard sanctuary city received 90 migrants, a fraction of what would fit in the Obama mansion there (by the standard set at border by then president Barry) took less than a day for the military to remove.

  4. ERJ - Like you, I have calculated my time left on this mortal coil (barring accident or injury of course) and I have every reason to believe I will make it to the last wanings of what we should probably start calling "The Era of Competence".

    To one of the comments above - I do think people are sorting themselves out. The days of publicly discussing are largely past us as 1) There is no point; and 2) Because there is no point, it only opens one up to scorn. But the quiet fraying of societal bonds is continuing beneath the surface and like the structural members of a bridge will simply give out one day.

    Hope? I have experienced both true and false hope. They both feel the same right up to the end.

  5. (((They))) aren't worried about losing the election. They lost 2016 because they believed their own propaganda. (((They))) fixed that with "improved" Dominion voting machine programming and shit tons of fake and harvested ballots for 2020-22.
    (((They))) voted us into socialism, we're gonna hafta shoot out way out. I' not looking forward to the next several months.
    Hope everyone has enough ballistic inertial launchers, self contained metallic cartridges and provisions.


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