Where the stories start...

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Presented without comment



  1. slight quibble: TDW-Mark One would criticize me, REGARDING THINGS THAT I OUGHT TO HAVE BEEN CRITICIZED FOR. Ditto, in present tense, for TDW-Mark Two. Neither partaked (partook?) in malarky criticisms.

    so, perhaps, The Cat's response might be, "They are with women who do not criticize them for b******t."

    1. I fiddled with several different cat responses and opted to go with the simplest. Everything else lost too much impact.

      There are proper ways to offer feedback. There is time, place, letting the target of the feedback have the power to accept it or not and...there is rarity.

      There have always been negative people who criticized endlessly. "Look at how special I am. Nothing you do will ever be good enough to please me." But they were rare or self-extinguished.

      They are more numerous now and self-reinforcing. Many of them have never been told that endless torrents of criticism drive people away...at least it drives the good people away.


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