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Friday, August 16, 2024

Honeycrisp apples are in

I don't grow Honeycrisp apples. It is a difficult apple to grow.

The Country Mill is selling new-crop Honeycrisp right now. They told me that they started picking two weeks earlier than usual. Honeycrisp is one of Mrs ERJ's favorite apples.

You can click on the picture to embiggen it.

Quicksilver is eating our Kerr applecrab. Yesterday, she ate three of them.

Applecrab is the enthusiast term for apples that are larger than one inch (25mm) in diameter but less than 2.25" in diameter. Bigger than a crabapple but smaller than a commercial apple variety.

Kerr was released by the Morden Ag station in Manitoba and is a cross between Dolgo crabapple (original seed from Russia) and Haralson which is now believed to be a cross between Malinda and Wealthy. Wealthy itself is believed to be a cross between Sops of Wine and Siberian Crab Apple.

Kerr's fruit is the size of a golf-ball and hangs on the branches well into the winter. It has been used in breeding programs to impart winter-hardiness and disease resistance.

Its one major flaw is that it bears biennially. It has a huge crop one year and no crop the next.


  1. Cosmic Crisp - I think they're a new variety of honey crisp. Best apple I've ever eaten. Crispy (of course), sweet, and juicy.

  2. Cosmic Crisp is a very good apple. That sad, I still prefer Granny Smith or Pippin.

    1. My grandma used to make the best apple pies I've ever had using Granny Smith apples. Of course she probably used a huge amount of sugar.

    2. The Winesap is another really superb apple.

  3. I love the Dolgo crap. Makes tart red applesauce but more importantly its a great general pollinator, Don't buy one on superdwarfing stock because it will keel over. Valerie in NJ


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