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Monday, August 19, 2024

Hit me with your best shot


At least two people I used to work with got shingles. Their time-off-work was measured in months. They said the pain was agonizing.

The new CDC "guidance" is to get the two-shot series after you turn fifty. I think it used to be after 65 fairly recently. So here-I-am, just turned 65 and I visited the CDC site and "learned" that they though I was in arrears for Shingles, eligible for the pneumonia series and "am supposed to get" seasonal flu, RSV and Covid shots.

For the first time in over a decade I am not going to get my seasonal flu shot.

In immunogenicity studies, repeated vaccination (with the same strain) blunts the hemagglutinin antibody response, particularly for H3N2.

The same strains were included in 2023 as were in 2022 and only one-of-four strains were changed from 2023 to 2024. So, being in good general health and having already been whacked twice with what they would give me again...I am taking a pass.

I am taking a hard-pass on the Covid shot. I am open-minded about the RSV vaccine. It may be that since we are watching Quicksilver on a daily basis that we already get plenty of exposure.

So there I was, sitting in the chair about to get poked with the needle. The man giving the shot looked like a cardiac event waiting to happen. He easily outweighed my by 100 pounds and his face was mottled with bright reds and yellows.

"Relax your arm" he commanded.

I looked over at him, then down at my shoulder that he had just finished swabbing. I was confused.

"It is relaxed" I told him.

It took me a few seconds to figure out the problem. I have gray hair. Even though I am 30 pounds over what I "should" weigh, I still have muscle definition in my arms even when they are relaxed.

I guess that makes me a weirdo.

Bonus image

I invested my Social Security check in some feed-lot panels. TSC had them on sale, $24.99 for 50" tall by 16' long panel. I will finish enclosing one of our gardens with fence to discourage deer. It won't stop a motivated deer but most deer are lazy and there is plenty of other stuff to eat that doesn't require jumping over a 50" tall fence (with a strand or two of wire above that).

Given even the tiniest amount of care they will easily last 30 years in my climate. That exceeds my "long life expectancy" criterion for investments. It also tags the "bottom level of Maslow's Hierarchy" requirement.

Rule of Threes

  1. Three seconds of stupid can get you killed
  2. Three minutes without oxygen to your brain will get you killed (bleed-out, choking, drowning)
  3. Three hours without body-heat will get you killed (hypothermia)
  4. Three days without water will get you killed
  5. Three weeks without food will get you killed


  1. $25 for those panels is a good price.

    1. Yeah, they run between $30 and $36 locally. Decent used ones, if you can find them, get $20 each.

    2. Those panels are very useful for instant fencing repairs. We keep five of those panels at our hay barn - overhead cover for this purpose. These combined with hay cord and/or zip ties are good preparations to keep on hand at all times. And yes - great price.

  2. Get the shingles and pneumonia shots. My wife had shingles as an adult, it is very nasty. Pneumonia kills a lot of people who contract it after being weakened by something else.

    I don't do the covid shots, but pretty much everything else. I am immunocompromised and have poor lungs from years of smoking. I'll stack the deck in my favor any way that I can.

  3. ivermectin combats shingles. and asthma.
    1% cattle dewormer

  4. i looked in to getting the pneumonia shot...only works on a few types...the shingles shot, something like 45% of the people that get the shot, get shingles...it ain't a vax, it's a shot...hoping that having had the chicken pox twice, i'm even and won't get the shingles...haven't had a flu shot in years...and hell no to covid shots...

  5. Don't get any shots. Just setting you up for more problems. They make their money treating you not curing you. ---ken

  6. Graphine oxide was found in dental anesthetic as well as the VAXX. Want to get your life that it is not in the shots you mentioned. Recent research show the graphine oxide is responsible for six unique self assembling nanostructures associated with the large fibrous clots that embalmers started pulling out of corpses soon after the VAXX was released.

    Literally - Bet Your Life.

  7. I had shingles a couple months ago which lasted about three weeks. Wasn’t to bad for me. We put up an eight foot board fence around our pea ground. It worked to keep moose out. The two years after have been so wet that we couldn’t plant that ground!

  8. On the G-O, I went to my regularly scheduled dental visit (clean/checkup) today. I asked the hygienist if any of the anesthetic they used contained Graphene or Graphene Oxide. She told me the Lidocaine and Carbocaine they use Does Not contain it.
    I asked her to note on my chart that I am "allergic" to G, G-O and she duly noted it.
    Bear in mind I am in the heart of flyover country. The town I was in might have 13k people on a good day. YMMV.


  9. Had Chicken Pox two times as a kid. Have had Shingles, got the shot, had shingles at least twice since then. Was asked if I wanted a new improved shingles shot, Nope.

    My bouts with shingles were not nearly as bad as some. One coworker had an oval patch under his ribs about 4 inches wide and 8 inches long full of puss oozing sores for a couple of weeks.

    Another coworker had shingles under his skin on his right shoulder. Nothing to see, but it hurt so bad he could barely move his arm. The doctor took xrays and told him he probably pulled a muscle. A week later he was calling the doctor every day and demanding an MRI. They finally ran some tests and diagnosed him with shingles.


  10. My husband had shingles a couple years ago. The pain was intense, like nails doing through his head. The worst pain he ever had. Shingles can or does damage nerve endings, he still has pain almost daily. Some of our friends report a burning, lingering pain for years. He’s on medication to control it, but long-term meds concern me. They can sometimes cause other problems.
    No I didn’t get the shot. Any of them, only tetanus. I’m distrusting now, some ‘vaccines’ don’t really help.
    Southern NH

  11. I had a very mild case of shingles late last year. It was more itchy than painful, but persisted for some months.
    Afterwards, I considered getting the shingles shot. Decided against it when it was clear it didn't prevent recurrence. And it isn't that clear that it prevents a first occurrence.

  12. I added the three seconds of stupidity for my scouts in wilderness survival - nice to see you have it too. Don't forget 3 months without human contact....

  13. My primary care physician kept after me about getting the shingles shot and I kept telling him I never had chicken pox (the same virus causes both, first chicken pox the shingles). He didn't believe me but there is a test to verify whether you've ever been exposed. I took it and it came back negative. He has not mentioned it again.

  14. I have heard that bright orange trimmer string is an excellent material to raise fence height. Deer apparently are sensitive to to that light frequency.

  15. A couple of years ago I had red spots which were itchy and tender on my back. I live on my farm so my first thought was spider bites. Went to the doctor. He looked at it and said "not spider, shingles." I responded with "damn, should have gotten the shingles shot." He said don't worry half of my shingles patients had the shot, half did not. It was a rough couple of weeks, using the large cold patches which stick to the skin for 8 hours, and the prescription valacyclovir (to suppress the virus), and hydrocodone-acetaminophin (for pain). Don't trust CDC/FDA/pharmaceuticals any more, so no vaccines for me. Current data shows that more people died from the mRna shot than from Covid-19.
    Richard in Colorado

  16. Dental anesthetics ...


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