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Friday, August 30, 2024

Go-Pros and Transparency

One of the best suggestions I heard in a long while came from a fellow gardener who lives in Indiana.

He suggested that all candidates who engage in televised debates must wear a Go-Pro (a head-mounted video camera so we see what he/she sees) and that the Go-Pro footage be play in simultaneously as a box-within-a-box. 

An alternative would be to play both candidates' teleprompter feeds as box-within-a-box displays through the course of the debate.

That way, voters can figure out how much of what is coming out of the candidate's mouth is coming from their brain and how much is coming from the invisible (un-elected and anonymous) "handlers".

To make this work, audio devices for communicating with the candidates must be banned.

The candidate that has command of the facts and whose brain is agile will have little information coming across the teleprompter. The candidate who needs to be reminded to inhale-and-exhale and is fed lines word-for-word will be outed.

Thanks Milton!


  1. I like this a lot.

  2. Add a remote shock collar by subscription so the audience at home can show appreciation.

  3. Plus 1000 for this idea. But it is sensible and will expose almost every candidate, likely to never be adopted.

  4. Until someone hacks in and puts something untoward on the oppositions screen.

  5. We live in an age where we can no longer trust anything we see and hear. The clumsiest assasination attempts almost succeeds on a presidential candidate and it disappears from the news cycle and nobody gets fired. Forrest Gump received commendations from JFK. Anything can be (and is) faked. Kackula Harris turns black in front of black audiences and no one questions it. The most obvious grifts and cons pass without challenge or comment. Derek Chauvin gets sent to jail for doing his job - and it’s all on video.

    There is no fixing this.

  6. If you consider "doing his job" as kneeling on the man's neck until he dies.

    1. Yes hardly SOP.

    2. Except that he was kneeling on his shoulder, and the reason the perp couldn’t breathe was because he swallowed his stash and ingested enough fentanyl to kill four men.

    3. Well, there is a tiny bit of wiggle room. His blood level was about 3X the LD50 for fentanyl. LD50 means it is the level that can be expected to kill 50% of the people with that level in their blood.

      As an addict, he probably had resistance to the drug. It MIGHT not have been lethal to him. However, precedence in the US for criminal law tells us that the benefit of doubt goes to the accused, in this case the cop.

      That was clearly trampled.

      Also, efforts were made to transport him to medical care in a police cruiser, which Mr Floyd refused.

  7. Insuring honesty and transparency in campaigns and elections isn't difficult. It only requires the will to do so. Which is what's missing.


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