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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Fine Art Tuesday


Thomas Fearnley born in Norway in 1802, died of typhoid in 1842. His family was prosperous and accomplished.

Notable for the rocks holding down the roof. Presumably, it gets windy at this location.

Another building with rocks holding down the roof. Now take a closer look at the first images. Yep, rocks on those roofs, too!


  1. And that is how Built-Up Roofing (BUR) systems was developed ... Well - maybe.


  2. Mountains, glaciers, runoff driving a waterwheel - (probably for lumber milling because there's almost no land suitable for growing grain) and the ocean. 200 feet of almost smooth land between the mountains and the oceans = pictures of boats.

  3. Amazing talent. Just look at them and you’re there.

  4. Clearly they didn't shovel the snow off the roof there like we do here.---ken

  5. might be "fine art" - https://stiltonsplace.blogspot.com/2024/08/face-music.html

  6. As always ERJ, thanks for keeping up the tradition.


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