Where the stories start...

Thursday, August 1, 2024

ERJ, in the dog-house

I was in the dog-house.

We (mostly me) have been fiddling around the hallway doing drywall, plaster and painting work. I got to the wall that held the thermostat and it made sense to remove it from the wall.

Except for a 5000BTU window unit, Casa ERJ is without AC or a fan pushing air around the domicile.

It is not EFFICIENT to jump ahead and primer-and-colorcoat one wall, but that is what I did. It was effective.

Mrs ERJ is starting to wise-up to my tricks. "How come a top-coat of mud requires exactly as long as one of your coffee breaks to set?" she asked.

"Well, my dear, it is because I very carefully tuned the length of my breaks to coincide with that amount of time" I reply with a waggling of eyebrows.

Frowning, my bride noted "But couldn't you be working on another wall?"

"But my love, the dust from my working on one of the other walls will contaminate the quality of mud I just applied" I reply.

Like I said, she is starting to wise up.

"We could always PAY MONEY to have somebody else do the work" she noted.

Fortunately for me, Mrs ERJ knows where I have a quarter pound of Alliant Bullseye powder stored. At 21% nitroglycerine, a scant 2.7 grains of powder blown through a plastic, soda-straw and deposited beneath my tongue diminishes most of the pain of the major cardiac event hearing the words "PAY MONEY" invariably causes.

Much will be forgiven when the brute fires back up and we will have central-air available.

Once again, my name will be engraved in the Hall of Heroes. It won't be my best work but it will be far from my worst work.

Oh, and I took pictures of how the green, red, yellow and white wires attached to the thermostat. I also drew a picture!


  1. Even if is only one wire that is the way to go. Ask me how I know....

  2. Mrs ERJ needs to be more results orientated, rather than trying to (micro) manage the process. Will task get accomplished? If yes, then coffee breaks, meditation interludes, or anything else perceived as slack time is irrelevant. Actually a good project manager will build in slack time for those random Murphy moments.
    Alan E.

  3. Money? Tell her to be reasonable. Where are you going to get money wholesale? Sheer extravagance.

    Phil B

  4. What about the blue wire? A word to the wise, don’t let the blue wire contact any other wires. Unless you already know what little automotive fuse on your hvac control panel will blow and you have a replacement fuse on hand.

  5. You can run the AC by twisting wires together and then untwisting when the house is cool enough.

    Crude, but it works. Keeping the women happy is a thing, even though it shouldn't be.

  6. Pictures, diagrams, notes, coffee, pieces of colored tape, more pictures, errands for everyone else to do so you are undisturbed: absolutely essential steps prior to projects involving little colored wires and/or the possibility of spending $$$ to hire someone who can do it in 1/10 the time it takes you.


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