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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Boiling defensive handguns to the bare-bone essentials


This is a fairly short clip with a run-time just under three minutes.

It is a refreshing take on what is important with regard to defensive handguns.

Spoiler: Hickok45's opinion is that the only two things worth obsessing about are:

  1. The ability to extract the weapon from whatever kind of holster and clothing you are wearing in a "reasonable" amount of time and 
  2. Being able to hit an 8" target at a "reasonable" range every time. He suggests an 8" pie plate at 7 yards as "reasonable".

Or, as the CAS are fond of saying: Grip it, rip it, trip it (and don't miss).


  1. Cooper used to argue (and I agree) that mindset is critical too. People with guns often freeze up and don’t even go for them when them when the life or death confrontation presents itself.

  2. Good post - thanks for sharing!

  3. That guy is full of it.
    you MUST carry nothing smaller than a .45 with a 10mm for a backup with at least 6 extra mags for each.

    1. With a .357 snubby in each ankle or boot holster, too!

    2. And a shot timer..................

  4. Matthew what pray tell is YOUR extensive experience to make such a statement?

    1. I don't know Matthew but his statement is so far over the top I'm pretty sure he's joking.

    2. A most curious defense.

      I suppose the internet newbies are unaware of the lack of humor the printed text carries.

      Oddly this isn't the first time Matthew W has posted his tactical knowledge and when asked disappeared.

    3. He is joking. He was poking fun some other people who make those kinds of statements.

      You know, there is a lot to be said about carrying a goodly amount of stout pepper-spray in a coat pocket. It won't stop some of the people but on the other hand their eyesight won't be so good and it might buy you three seconds of time to move away and get your gat into low-ready in case they want to play hardball.

    4. Ok. Noted.

      I have heard from my police friends that pepper spray vs meth heads doesn't work well. And they are using Sabre Police Grade stuff. A high volume spray with higher OC than most.

      As you know I work EMS so I see them often enough.

      They suggest 12 gauge buckshot in the pelvis when in doubt. Nobody does well when both legs are useless.

      Street drugs are a real problem. Seems that Hitlers SS used meth to make super solders (temporarily) in assaults. Also popular in Bandera Units in the Ukraine.

      Interesting times we live in. Monday looks interesting in Chicago. If you follow Shenandoah blog (I do he's been pretty on target most of the time) he's warning the 26th of August to be a "Be Frosty" day. I emailed him and he gave some of his next posting about that.

    5. Mathew, sarc tag is ALMOST mandatory these days, I don't know if it's the clot shot residue and or all the EMF's, 3,4,5 G's, brainwashing, fluoride, poison food or what, but common sense and humor seem to be evaporating as fast as the mean IQ of the US and to a lesser degree the whole world.
      In most of the blogs, comments I follow, I'm noticing mare miss spellings and wrong words. Started around the Covidiocy. HA! My above "mare" is a perfect example. I used to be SO good! "It's hard to be humble when yer perfect in (almost) every way." YMMV

  5. And pull the trigger until it goes click.

  6. Interesting. I just finished reading "No Second Place Winner" by Bill Jordan. There's a lot of agreement between him and Hickock.

  7. For a long time i carried my M1911A1 .45 with a round in te chamber, hammer down. This is not dangerous, as the firing pin on this gun does not reach the primer, it is set off by inertia. This prevents carrying a cocked pistol with the safety on which could be swiped off by accident, or carrying and empty chamber which then takes two hands to make ready to fire. It does mean thumbing back the hammer, which now that i am alot older i cannot do. So, i carry a Colt detective special .38 when needed.

    1. To my point above (at 11:24 AM), Anony uses "and" where, I assume, he meant "an". Also left out thr "t" in "the". Then I spell "the" with an "r". This isn't criticism, it's observation. I see it everywhere. I'm doing it. I could have edited it out (and do, a lot) but for the sake of this post, I left it in. Anyone else noticing anything similar? Like people doing odd things or behaviors? Any other "noticing" out there?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Love Hickok45. This is great insight*, thanks for the share.


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