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Friday, August 16, 2024

Black Lives Matter?

The death rate due to drug overdoses of Black Americans under the Harris/Biden Administration has been 47 deaths per year per 100,000.

The death-rate due to drug overdoses of Black Americans under the Trump Administration was 28 deaths per year per 100,000.

That is an increase of more than 65%.

The Democrats' refusal to stop the flow of drugs coming into this country resulted in the deaths of tens-of-thousands of Black Americans. THEY DON'T CARE.


  1. Black lives only matter if a white person can be made responsible. You never hear about the daily carnage in Chicago because it is BoB crime mostly by gang members.

    Trayvon Martin's death was only an issue because the prosecutors could make Hispanic be White for purposes of the trial.

    1. Biden is lily-white. East-Indians are considered Caucasians.

    2. Any lives only matter to Democrats if they advance their cause...

  2. True freedom doesn't exist if people aren't free to do whatever they want as long as nobody else is affected. That would include dying from an overdose.

    1. "...people..." I assume you mean adults? Not being snotty here, but I am curious about your feelings about kids.

      OK, you might say that is their parent's choice...logically, that means they can execute teachers and officials who sneak behind their backs and push the tranny thing and they can "cap" the drug dealer on the corner.

    2. "....and they can "cap" the drug dealer on the corner."
      Perhaps this is what needs to happen

  3. What is the rate for Hispanic, Native American, Whites and Asians?

    1. 2018-2020
      Native American: 22/100k/year
      Asian: 4
      Black: 28
      White (including Hispanic): 26
      Hispanic: 14

      Native American 39/100k/year
      Asian: 6
      Black: 47
      White: 34
      Hispanic: 22

  4. The US is loaded with gun related deaths. The right obstructs gun control. Do they care? Just sayin'.

    1. Fires need oxygen, fuel and an initiator.

      Homicides don't "just happen" when there are weapons at hand.

      They happen when judgment is impaired, when a perp does not want to be caught committing a crime or when a gang is defending their turf or feel "disrepected".

      A firearm can sit in a basement for 100 years and still go bang. Ammo has a fifty-year lifespan. Drugs get used and are gone in months if the supply is cut off.

      Which enabler would YOU rationally go after?

    2. Actually, no, the US isn't "loaded" with gun related deaths. And don't forget that most shootings are in Democrat controlled cities with tight gun laws.
      There are many countries with tighter gun laws who have (per capita) more gun related deaths.
      As ERJ says, a gun is a tool - almost any tool can kill. In England, when gun laws were tightened, criminals turned to knives and bats, which according to doctors are harder to treat.
      Finally, laws criminalizing gun ownership benefit criminals and make it harder for people to protect themselves - guns are used for more often to protect people than attack people.
      Those who advocate for gun restrictions are really advocating to make crime easier and more common.

  5. The first murder in history was satan killing Adam and Eve and their progeny by deceit. The first human murder/suicide was Adam killing Eve and himself and all their posterity, including The Lord Jesus Christ, by his choice of sin. The second murder was the first born human, Cain, killing his brother the second born human Abel, because Cain rejected God and was envious of Abel, who did not. There were no guns. Cain's progeny now wants all the guns, because satan wants to finish the job.


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