Where the stories start...

Monday, July 29, 2024

You can only be insulted if you give the other person permission*

There I was in the small, local grocery store wearing my MAGA hat, fluorecent yellow T-shirt, baggy camo-shorts, calf-length crew-sox and battered running shoes.

I passed a young waif of indeterminable sex and she(?) looked down her nose at me and muttered "What an ASS!".

I spun around and said "Thanks for noticing. I think it is because of the weights I have been dead-lifting" I slapped my right butt-cheek and commented "Hard as a rock!" and left her sputtering as I walked away.

*A variation of the quote attributed to Eleanore Roosevelt "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."


  1. LOL! God Bless you Joe!

  2. Isn't it almost always women who hate Trump and his previous private life, while being totally ignorant of the doings of the Clintons and Bidens?

    1. There are many women who hate Trump with a passion. There are men who hate Trump.

      The archetype woman (fancy way to make broad generalizations that would otherwise piss people off) values collaboration to a higher degree than the archetype man. Clintons and Bidens made a show of valuing collaboration. Trump mocked it.

  3. Thanks for reading and thanks for taking the time to comment

  4. Well played. Reminds me of the joke about the elderly merchant mariner, and the yout with rainbow hair. (said joke likely untellable in a family oriented blog)

    1. ...something about a night of drinking and a peacock? (Actually, a peahen)

    2. Night of drinking and a scarlet Macaw

  5. If a lefty is going to try and insult you then own it, big time. Nothing will drive them more insane than being one upped. And since they have zero sense of humor it Israel difficult to get them bent out of shape.

  6. Which makes me wonder why so many cops have thin skin.

    1. Maybe like sandpaper they've been rubbed the wrong way for years? The older police I work with in EMS runs are amazingly tolerant of BS as long as no threat of violence occurs.

      But then again in NH we have laws that police internal investigations MUST have two or more civilians involved.

      And we fire them often enough that Boston advertises here with better wages to lure disaffected ones away.

      Citizens forget they have obligations to keep their "Public Servants" honest. Rights, Privileges, Obligations.

  7. 4.0 for style, Joe!
    We should all be that witty!
    Boat Guy

  8. Gosh that was good. I wish I could get one off like that just once. Valerie NJ

  9. That's just the riposte, this reminds me of picolos hash....... :)


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