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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Worth a try

Frequent commenter Lucas suggested that pasting "Googly-eyes" on the back of your cap might deter biting flies.

The premise is that the reason they land on the back of your neck is because fear-of-eyes is coded into their DNA. They land where there are no "eyes" watching them.


I think every parent and grandparent should have a hat like this. It isn't just the flies that pay attention to where eyes are looking.


  1. I may try this....and not only on the cap.

  2. One thing I have also seen is hats with dangling corks. I would not have believed it made an impact, but I have seen the videos.

  3. I doubt that a flying insect actually has the ability to even recognize what an eye is. It is however worth trying. Probably won't help but certainly can't hurt.

  4. I remember a video about cougar attacks, one survivor was riding a bicycle. It made me think, a lot of helmets these days have rear facing red lights for night riding, but they are centered. Would having a pair on the sides of the helmet work to deter ambush predators?

  5. My guess is that pasting a little mosquito netting to the cap would work better.

  6. Or hang a dryer sheet off the back of the cap. THAT actually works.

  7. flies like eyes because they're wet.
    it's the #1 place to lay their eggs at 1st sight of decomposition.

    and I'm going to try the dryer sheet. the biting flies have been horrendous this year. every mule I've had is a prime target, especially the legs by biting flies and ends up covered in sores. even with fly boots on.


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