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Monday, July 29, 2024

Vance, Comments, Ecosystems and Persuasive Argument

J.D. Vance is getting a lot of flack

Must mean that he is over the target. Schumer offered Trump some advice "Dump Vance".

How odd that Schumer would, out of the goodness of his shriveled heart, offered Trump advice on what he needs to do to win his election.

The brouhaha over the wine-drinking, childless, cat-ladies is humorous. Those ladies take themselves VERY SERIOUSLY. They are also prime constituents of the "I need to leave a legacy. I need to coach some autistic kid to cut off his dick." crowd. How very brave of them!


Other than spam, I think I deleted fewer than 10 comments in the eleven years I have been blogging.

I get that many of you have high-stress jobs. Some of you work third-shift. Some of you work in Emergency Rooms or in Law-Enforcement. I am not going to be a woke-scold and lecture people who may have found a human-head in a motorcycle helmet after a traffic accident or admitted a close family member into ER six hours before they read one of my posts and comment.

I get much more enjoyment out of creating content than in editing my own work. Why would I get any joy out of editing or monitoring content created by other people (that is, the comments)?

I have no intention of starting.

The blog-o-sphere as an ecosystem

Mature ecosystems self-regulate as a general rule. The populations of specific species will fluctuate based on variation in flow of energy and other resources and due to internal dynamics/harmonics. But in general, most of them are stable-within-bounds as long as enough niches are filled and there are enough species to buffer the system as it experiences internal and external shocks.

Thank-you to all of the commenters who fill those various niches. You make my life easy.

Persuasive Argument

One of the cornerstones of persuasive argument is to start with premises (often several premises to get them in the habit of nodding their head and agreeing with the sales-person) that the prospective buyer agrees with.

If you are trying to "sell" your opinion or perhaps move somebody who is undecided to your position, you need to read the audience and start out with statements that they will agree with without hesitation.

"Know your audience? Whaddya mean, Joe"

Suppose you pop-open an article and the first line reads:

  • "Diversity is our greatest strength" or
  • "Cases of Hantavirus tripled in the last year because of Global Warming" or
  • "Failing to start a conversation with your pronouns is an act of violence" or
  • "It is impossible to see systemic racism if you are white"

Most of my readers are likely to discount everything else the author tries to communicate (even if those statements lend credibility and gravitas among the author's core audience).

So if you find yourself attempting to persuade somebody, you are almost always better served to start out with observations that your audience will agree with and then expand from there.


  • "Food prices everywhere...grocery stores, fast-food, gas-stations...are going up and packages are shrinking"
  • "My kid makes $20 an hour and cannot afford healthcare insurance"
  • "All of my kids refuse to consider living in Lansing due to the rising crime-rate"
  • "Advancement based on anything other than demonstrated-ability always hurts the clients and disadvantages those who are passed-over for promotion. It also destroys moral"
  • "Mentoring is fine as long as it isn't a pretext for quid pro quo"


  1. ERJ - Like you, I have had to delete less than 10 comments in a long run of blogging - to be fair mostly due to my own inability to define the boundaries of discussion. I will say that in general in my experience, once the readers understand the rules they are willing to stay within them.

    If your opponent is giving you advice on how to win, it is probably the wrong advice.

    One of the greatest failures of the Conservative movement to date is doing exactly what you say, figuring out how to bridge the gap with those who are undecided or even who may be in political opposition but would be willing to give other ideas a hearing, given the evidence of their own eyes ears. To your point, we need to find points of agreement and fact which are not "charged" and begin the discussion from there.

    1. I suspect that a major failing of Conservative supporters in general is that they tend to be more pragmatic and less ideologically driven than left wingers, and this puts them at a significant disadvantage. They get on with life, rather than indulge in the petty bickering that seems to be the hallmark of the left.

  2. To Trump: Just do the opposite of what the Left says and you will succeed

  3. Sad story about the firefighter... but I have to admit, I hate those fundraisers, I won't give them money. It's so dangerous, I get nervous seeing a half-dozen people walking about the intersection. I'd much rather you setup a booth outside the grocery store, or in a vacant lot. I mean, IN THE MIDDLE OF TRAFFIC?!! Who's brilliant idea was that anyways?!?!

    1. His wife was in the Emergency Room at Lansing Sparrow when his remains were brought in. The EMTs were "working him" because they do not have the authority to declare him dead. The truck hit him squarely with an estimated closing speed of 55mph after first driving past him, turning around and targeting him.

      I was told his widow moved back home after the incident.

    2. They bug me to. Anyone else who interfered with traffic would AT LEAST get a significant ticket.
      They are SUPPOSED to encourage safe behavior - that clearly isn't!
      I've only seen full time firefighters do it, never a volunteer...

  4. Respectable stance on comments. If I had a blog, I'd take the same approach. I also like your idea of the blog-o-sphere as an ecosystem.

  5. Well Joe - I can irritate the normies and grillers and panty waists sometimes and I don’t want you taking any crap from the stinking mob for my abrasive opinions. I remember poor Claire W on her old blog. I dropped some truth bombs about blacks, and the geriatric grillers filled their colostomy bags and Depends with RAGE! They hurled insults and threw their Velcro shoes at me and poor Claire was almost in tears. I felt so bad, all I could do was apologize and get the hell out of Dodge.

    Same thing happened with Peter Grant when he foolishly asked, “What’s with all the anti-semitism these days???” When I explained some of it, he got hacked right off, called me a bunch of names and I haven’t been back since. I didn’t care, Peter is a bit of an ass hat but a lot of people love him and I don’t want to offend them.

    I appreciate your blog and friendship and I have been carefully guarding my tongue on the email. You raised some excellent points, and I’ve been vapour locked with them since your first note. I need to think long and hard about how to respond to them. With your permission I might address them but…I’d rather do it on my blog where the women, children, faggots and snivellers won’t see it.

    Let me know! And if my crap offends you just delete it.

    1. Having your own blog is a beautiful thing. Your home turf. Your rules.

    2. My eyes rolled across the floor, when Peter bit into you over your explanation of the “antisemitism”; that explanation was succinct, clear, and self-evident to anyone wishing to pay attention to the evidence. It seems to me most cries of “antisemitism” stem from the unwillingness of the squawker to acknowledge the fairly clear evidence.

  6. Notice that they never complained about Pence - and look how he turned out.
    I agree with others - the attacks on Vance are a sign he's a good choice.
    Tonight I saw an attack add against Sam Brown that was flat out wrong but worded to be barely legal. It's the same thing.

  7. I asked my wife, a childless cat lady if she felt insulted by Sen. Vance.
    She purred, "No way!"


Readers who are willing to comment make this a better blog. Civil dialog is a valuable thing.