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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Priorities: You shall know a tree by its fruit

A key point that is getting almost ZERO air-time is the fact that the Democratic King-makers and donors and Media-shills all knew how degraded Biden's cognitive skills were. They have known since before 2017 and Obama's "Don't underestimate Joe Biden's ability to F___ things up."

The fact that our allies and enemies also knew that our POTUS has the intellectual capacity of a third-grader with high blood-serum levels of Pb did not bother the Party elites.

They only became "bothered" after their own, personal access to power was threatened. It became a Big-Deal because the media could not hide Biden's dementia any longer and the election was not a sure-thing.

To beat a dead horse: The decision-makers within the Democratic Party are less bothered by WWIII than by losing their place on the gravy-train.


  1. We all knew 'the truth' about the democrats long before slow joe. Remember kankles hot-mic moment? If he gets in we all hang? What an odd thing to say... if you're not guilty of treason.

  2. ERJ, the really sad thing is that this is on display for the world to see. Just think: The country that is supposedly the leader of the free world having donors and political leaders (e.g., an oligarchy) determine who the next Presidential candidate will be. Not that it has not always been that way, it is just on display.

    The elites of the world probably knew of the condition of the current Resident (and also said nothing, so they are also to blame). Now, the whole world knows.

  3. There are a number of superlatives this President can claim:
    Most internationally spurned since Jimmy Carter
    Most politically graft-taking since Warren Harding
    Most lying to the people since Franklin Roosevelt
    Most mentally unable to perform duties since Woodrow Wilson.

    1. I think 45 has Joe beat on a few of those

  4. Useful idiots are useful until they're not.
    Useful idiots always think their usefulness will not expire.
    Useful idiots always think if they are more usey fullness, they will be in the inner circle.
    Useful idiots rarely see it coming.


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