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Monday, July 22, 2024

Kamala's only path

Even a bling squirrel finds an acorn every once in a while. This prediction came true in three weeks.

As long as I am on a roll, I predict:

Kamala has a very, very narrow path to winning the 2024 election.

Joe steps down so Kamala can campaign from the position of POTUS which gives her cover for missing most campaign events and is a much stronger platform for being elected in 2024. I see this as a "gimmee".

She gets Manchin or RFK as her VP ticket.

I predict that she needs at least one "Victory" under her belt and that it will be immigration. Why immigration? Because it is the only major issue that she can turn around in weeks, which is all she really has left.

The Democrats will put all of their markers into play to get Mexico to slam the door shut until after the election.

The National Committee will put the squeeze on all of the Sanctuary Cities and Counties and every illegal immigrant who is accused of any crime more serious than a traffic stop will be put on a Boeing 737 Max and shipped back to their country-of-origin. If they refuse to claim a country, the Dems will work out a deal with Chile to accept miscellaneous Spanish speakers and Iraq or Turkey for all Arabic speakers.

The legacy media will be flooded with images and video footage of scowling, thuggish men in need of a shave, wearing orange cover-alls and cuffs and being herded onto planes. The nightly news will run "body-count" totals like they did during the Vietnam war. Somewhere in every recitation the talking head will smile and say "President Harris gets results."

Oddly enough, all images and footage will be from LAX and webcams in international airports across the country will malfunction.

60,000 violent, illegal aliens will be reported as deported in September and 90,000 in October.


  1. She will not be the candidate.
    No how, no way they can run an abject moron like that and claim "81 million" votes.

    1. The Democrats painted themselves into a corner. If they yank the rug out from beneath her they lose the 160% Black votes and the 103% women's votes they need to win.

      Their marketing problems is "What can be packed around Kamala in the next few weeks to make her look like...somebody other than Kamala?"

      Why weeks? Because the machine has inertia and footage needs to be created, edited, run through market-clinics and then rolled out.

  2. Replies
    1. How is her health though? Wasn’t she having seizures back when she ran against Trump?

    2. You have to ask about health after the last 40+ weeks with Joepedo?

  3. I didn't think that far ahead, but I do agree that she is in a much stronger position if he pulls out now instead of finishing his term.
    Some people claim she polls better than Biden but I doubt it is enough.
    The only issue for Trump is that he is on a high now that he has to sustain until November to keep turnout high.

    1. I think it will be like a basketball game and the momentum will shift several times between now and then.

      Kamala will enjoy a short honeymoon bump and then the potential voters will look at her in the cold, cruel light of morning.

  4. Great idea! I'd much enjoy a Kamala win, preferably with 82 million votes. 'Murrica eff yeah ain't coming back folks, so sorry.

  5. I don't think Joe's controllers are going to relinquish control that easily. He's going to do a LOT of damage in the next 5 months as a lame duck Piece Of Human Garbage.

    1. You assume they can't control Kamala?

    2. Upon further reflection, I ASSumed that Slo Jo had some input on his policies and actions. I forgot that Mr. Potato Head would sign anything he was told to.

      It is to the benefit of The Party to be as "moderate" as possible in the run-up to November.

      Disregard yesterday's statements please.

  6. Martial Law, Obunghole steps in to save The Union.

  7. How many plane loads for the October 60,000 deportations?

    1. That only puts a tiny, tiny insignificant dent in the ten million they've let in over the past four years. It'll take years to get most of them out.

  8. Most people are not very good at math but they understand "ZERO PROGRESS". The big heartburn among the middle are the rapists, aggravated assault, larceny and murderers.

    150k deportations at 100 deportees (and 100 LEO) per plane adds up to 1500 flights. We currently schedule about 800,000 commercial passenger flights per month so it is a pinch-of-nothing.

  9. I don't think that she or the party are capable of making even the surface changes to improve her standing. I believe that the party will find a way to replace her.

  10. The margin of cheat will play 'loudly' in this election!

  11. Did you forget the "competency crisis"? They are saturated with DEI graduates filling the ranks.

  12. "Why immigration? Because it is the only major issue that she can turn around in weeks..."

    It's hard to claim a victory in a war Kameltoe ceded by inaction and ineptitude...

  13. Maybe Joe steps down, maybe he refuses. Maybe he "tragically dies", after all he is 81. Maybe they use Amendment 25 to get rid of him. But you are correct, running as the incumbent is a much stronger position than as a lame duck VP.

    As for deporting all those illegals....no need to. The media will simply lie to us and claim they deported a bunch.

  14. If she is allowed to run, she's a dead woman walking. Hitlery is meant to be the first woman president so Kamala getting there before her is a definite no-no. Felonia Von Pantsuit will make extra double sure that the assassination attempt on Kamala will not miss by THAT much.

    I wonder how quickly that 100 million ballot papers showing Harris as the winner can be printed and then she'll be the most popular US President EVAH in all history ... After all, right now, she's only a couple of points behind Trump and she hasn't even started on her campaign yet. And if you believe that ...

    As the Chinese say, may you live in interesting times.

    Phil B

  15. Any refusal to name country of origin gets you put on a barge, with ocean going tug. Long ride to Africa, $1,000 US per head for any country that takes them. Don't care if they get eaten, sold into slavery in the saltines or set free, just get gone.

    Any refusal of country to accept returns gets their returns on a barge, beached on the shore. Again, if home doesn't want them, they can sink the barge, their people, their choice.

  16. And I don't think Turkey will be too happy to take random Arabic speakers. They have several million Syrian refugees and a whole lot from Iraq. Turkey has its own language and culture and really does not like the neighbours.


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