Where the stories start...

Saturday, July 13, 2024

I have very little of value to add

Yes, I heard about what happened this evening.

No, I am not going to comment except to inform you that I am praying for the family of the person who was murdered and for the health of the two people who were gravely wounded.

I am a piss-poor influencer. I refuse to speculate. I urge calm. I am thankful that God's mercy spared Donald Trump's life. It was a close thing. Way too close.

With God's grace we can step back from the brink.


  1. Understanding all about Gods Grace. The Secret Service dropped the ball on Trump.

  2. Calm is good, prayer critical.

    Often wisdom is waiting for the rest of the story..


  3. Disinformation researcher Amanda Rogers has described the polarized, unhinged, conspiracy-driven noise in social media responses to the shooting of Donald Trump as “a self-sustaining spiral of shit”.


    1. Just their way of trying to put a lid on the outrage their failed attempt has generated. But insulting their political opposition is what got them to this place.

  4. I'm not surprised someone tried - I am surprised they got that close.

    1. The fact that a man w/ a rifle got onto a roof that close tells you things are not what they seem. When you start watching all the different video's that are out there from citizens in attendance, it's pretty obvious what happened. Now watch the scripted and rehearsed cover-up flow from the media.
      You don't hate them enough. You really don't. They're the most despicable, vile, degenerate people on earth.

    2. Nice civil discourse here.

    3. Dear Anon 5:40 are YOU Offended?

      If so, why do you allow mere words annoy you?

      Civil discourse REQUIRES BOTH SIDES ABIDE by the rules of Civil discourse.

      Otherwise, it's shadow banning, DOXXING and Destroying people whose opinions differ from YOUR Narrative and so on.

      You know like the lawfare, Didn't Earn It (DEI) and so on forced down our throats daily.

      Frankly I'm quite tired of being the Civil Ones and taking the beatings.

    4. Amen. Conservatives have shot, assaulted, and attacked zero people. I can point to all of the antifa and leftist riots, but y'all already know about them.

      The left views violence as a dimmer switch to be dialed up and down.

      To us, it's an on/ off switch. Once it gets switched on, it will stay on until it is no longer needed.

      It came real close to being switched on this weekend.


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