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Friday, July 12, 2024

Fake News Friday: US Surgeon General looking for a new job...

Unnamed sources informed Eaton Rapids Joe that the US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy is expected to issue a Public Health Emergency Declaration identifying all policies that subsidize or encourage out-of-wedlock births to be a Public Health Emergency.

"Chicago, Illinois is the perfect Petri dish. Chicago proves that availability of guns is not the issue. Guns are MORE available to Whites and Asians than to Black men but Black men experience a much higher rate of homicide, both as victims and perpetrators, than Whites or Asians."

Murthy continued, "Chicago proves that the problem is young men growing up in homes without a father to hold them accountable."


  1. Something about the set of his mouth makes his face very punchable…

    1. There are some people who just radiate that vibe.

  2. I thought that the Surgeon General was that fake lady. And if he is who he says, where’s his uniform?

    1. He/she/it is the Assistant secretary for health and scientific affairs.

      The dude does have a uniform. I looked for a picture that wasn't "busy". The pic might be from confirmation hearings.

  3. That website heyjackass has some very interesting stats on Chicago homicides. Used to live in that city for over eight years, don't miss it at all!


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