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Friday, July 5, 2024

Fake News Friday: Mid-Western Governor says State Employees refuse to cheat for Biden


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Mid-Western, swing-state Governor, Gretchen Schicklgruber is reported to have sent the Biden Administration an email detailing that his performance has been so abysmal that State employees (who have a paid holiday so they can "volunteer" to work the election) refuse to cheat enough to ensure a Biden victory.

"The only way we can ensure a Democratic victory" she was reported as having written "is to offer State workers DOUBLE-TIME pay for their holiday or to nominate a woman governor from a mid-Western, swing-state as the POTUS candidate."


  1. Ha ha! I see what you did there. Is not Schicklgruber an old Jewish name some have been heard to ascribe to a blood relative of a certain WWII fuehrer?

    1. During WWII British radio personalities referred to Adolf H. as Adolf Schicklgruber because they knew it infuriated him. Angry people make stupid decisions.

      Whether Schicklgruber is a traditional "Jewish" name or not is beside the point.


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