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Friday, July 26, 2024

Fake News Friday: Harris explains "...unburdened by what has been"

When pressed by Ben Shapiro, presumed Presidential candidate Kamala Harris explained:

""What can be, unburdened by what has been" is a line I lifted from Modern Monetary Theory. It means that nobody has to pay back any of their loans because loan-payments are a burden and and the money was borrowed in the past." Harris explained in a moment of surprising lucidity.

Punctuating her explanation with a cackle, Harris continued "Everybody thinks I am saying that you can flunk out of high school and still be a brain surgeon at Walter Reed. Not so" she cautioned.

"I mean, I am open to them being surgeons at the other Veteran Hospitals but not Walter Reed."

"What I am really saying is that paying back loans is totally optional if you signed the contract sometime in the past which is the opposite of signing it in the future or signing it right now."

In other news, bond-values crashed across the globe as spooked investors dumped US bonds in the belief that the front-running Democratic candidate for POTUS intends to default on US denominated debt.


  1. In the immortal words of Robin Williams as Adrian Cronauer, and in retort to Kamala and making at least as much sense as Her Giggleness: what it is, what it shall be, what it was.

  2. America is tottering on its last legs. Putting the Kameltoe in office will be the coup de grace. Her political outlook and agenda is to the left of Lenin.

    1. Completely inappropriate nickname and irresponsible hyperbole - let's strive to be better, Dan.

    2. So, is "Gary" one of the pseudonyms for Google's left-leaning AI auto-commenter?

      "...let's..." is a contraction for ...let US...

      Gary, as part of "US", I think YOU need to do better.

    3. Howdy, Anonymous! Yes, "let's" is short for "let us" - used intentionally to refer to "us' as Americans (or just people, if Dan happens to be a foreigner). Let's do better as a whole.

      I find it interesting that me calling Dan out for his irresponsible rhetoric makes you think I'm left-leaning. How far is Dan allowed to go with his words before we're allowed to call him out? I think it's healthy to remain principled and call bullshit out when we see it - without that, groups quickly race towards radicalization (which I believe is happening).

      I'd consider myself "Unaffiliated", but I did vote "all red" in 2020. And I believe Dan's comments were disgraceful. If you have some specific reasons you think I need to "do better" or why you think Dan's comments were appropriate, I'm all ears.

  3. Another description for borrowing money with no intention of paying it back is Theft, is it not?

    The government has no money other than the money it takes under duress from the tax paying population so ultimately by not paying the loan back you have stolen from everyone in the country that pays tax.

    Phil B


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