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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Clearing the folder


Based on CDC data, 3/4 of homicide victims in large metropolitan areas in Illinois are Blacks (aka African-Americans). That implies that 300 Blacks were shot in Chicago in June and 50 Blacks were killed.

When figured on a per-capita basis, a Black in Chicago is 13 TIMES more likely to be a victim of homicide than a White person.

Thankfully, the City of Chicago made a priority out of protecting rainbows painted on streets.

Shooting rabbits

One of the ways you can mispronounce "Eaton Rapids" is as "Eating Rabbits", which our athletic competitors enjoy sharing with us.

In the UK and much of Europe, suppressors are REQUIRED equipment on hunting rifles. Some people are hired by farmers to reduce the population of pests like rabbits.

This is a six minute video of small game snipers popping rabbits at an astounding 200 yards with .22LR rifles.

Disease-resistant garden plants

The tomatoes I planted in the new-orchard at the property are wilting. It is a stark reminder that there are many diseases out there that will kill garden plants.

The three varieties that I planted are old varieties with little-or-no disease resistance. If I was counting on fruit from those plants to provide me with vitamin C through the winter I would be in deep-doodoo.

Spreadsheets on disease-resistant cultivated varieties of vegetables.

These are big spread-sheets in the sense that they use up a lot of screen. I will mine some data out of them and post in a future blog-post.


  1. When I was at the local gun club I could reliably ping a 6" steel target at 100 yds w/ my Ruger American in .22LR, iron sights. Gimme an Anshutz and a scope, game over.

  2. Forgive the name of this website but it provides detailed crime statistics for the city of Chicago, number of people shot, number of people killed, location of the shooting geographically, location of the wound on the body, gender of the victim/assailant, race of the victim/assailant all put into nice easy to read graphs, with raw data available too https://heyjackass.com/
    DB in Lapeer co.

  3. Are the tomatoes near black walnut trees? Tomatoes are very sensitive to the Juglone in black walnut roots, wilting when the tomato roots get deep enough to come into contact. Just a thought.

    1. Great question. The closest Black Walnut is about 60 feet to the south and it is about 10" in diameter. The plants that are 85 feet away are also wilting. That seems like a long way for roots to travel.

      Twenty years ago there were Black Walnuts that were closer but they were removed.

      How long does Juglone stay in the soil?

    2. Black Oak roots can take 5+ years to rot and stop releasing juglone.

      As I've read your application of Roundup type chemicals for weed control, are you aware that it can take years for Roundup to stop affecting non-Roundup Ready garden plants?

      Even wind driven over spray can be trouble.

      When you do that disease resistant post, could you please do a heirloom list?



  4. I'm surprised it's as low as 3/4. I would have expected 85% or more.

  5. Per heyjackass the 30 day trailing numbers are 365 wounded and 84 killed, with 76% black and 20% Hispanic victims. White/other are only 3.5%.. (10 victims)

  6. When my In-laws owned a ranch, controlling prairie dogs by shooting them was a common thing. Experience showed the best affordable choice was an accurate .22 LR bolt action rifle. Semiautos meant you had to get close enough to spook the prairie dogs, and centerfire varmint rifles were noisy enough that the first shot spooked the prairie dogs. The bolt action .22 was in the sweet spot of quiet enough with enough range.

  7. That’s a neat scope setup. There’s no excuse not to learn how to do the ranging and dialing/holds through doping the rifle, but a tool like that is a great ability multiplier. Definitely possible to make shots like that to 200 yards without the nice scope, but the scope definitely makes it easier to be consistent.

  8. Standard velocity ammunition shot in long barrels (>26") aren't suppressor quiet, but they have far less noisy report. When it comes to distance shooting, range and wind judgement becomes very important. If you want to shoot at 'Ma Bell' ranges (remember the song - "Reach Out - Reach Out and Touch Someone"), practice is highly recommended to make it worthwhile. Seated off a shooting bench - can be done rather handily. In the field using whatever you have to steady the rifle - not nearly as easy.

    Great topic - thank your ERJ for posting about it.

    1. Ah forgot to add in 1:25PM - that rifle in video appears to be a CZ 452, probably the Lux model. Sweet guns those Czechs ! Their older parent Brnos were even better , arguably.

  9. Yep, technology makes it interesting...and easy! We routinely shoot prarie dogs with .22s out to 200 yards in Colorado when we go out there, but we are all also accomplished long range shooters, and know the area. We'll normally kill between 20-50 depending on the size of the 'town'.

  10. If the goal is to control rabbits, then why would he kill foxes?

  11. A prairie dog is not a coyote.

  12. My mistake I had not watched the video.


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