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Friday, July 19, 2024

Cannot accept that they were duped

It is being reported that one-third of Democrats believe that the Trump assassination attempt was a false-flag that was staged to give him a bump in the polls. In other words, it was nothing more than a theatrical production.

(Note: Made up Quotes)

"Republicans are capable of anything."

"I wouldn't put it past him."

"Trump is a show-man." 

My perception is that most of them are guided by feelings rather than by thinking.

They were duped by the Democrats into accepting Biden as "The Best Choice" and now they are in denial. They are angry and they are directing it at Trump.

As an analogy, suppose a preacher's wife caught her husband in bed with another naked man. The woman has been been married to the preacher for fifteen years and have three kids together.

Her husband, the preacher, tells her "This guy broke in and attacked me while I was taking a nap."

As unbelievable as it seems, many women will believe their husband. That is because believing her own eyes would make a lie of the last twenty years of her life. The cornerstone she built her life on, the foundation of who she perceives hers as was proven to be rotten-to-the-core.

It requires less effort to believe her husband's lies than acknowledge that she was fed thousands of lies and that she were blinded by her need to believe those lies.

They dismiss Hard Evidence (like two men who were killed by gun-shot wounds) with the wave of a hand "I don't know that. I didn't see them" and grip minor details (the shooter was registered as a Republican) with both hands.

I can understand the Democrats being angry but they should be angry at the duplicitous Democratic Machine that crassly manipulated them.


  1. So by the Democrat logic thought, they think Trump allowed someone to shoot as his head ON PURPOSE, but only to slightly wound him to gain him some credibility. Like maybe the 4 years of previous term needed some more.

    That the bullets were real is evident. An family lost a Father who was protecting his family with his body and died for the effort. Not to mention two others who were seriously wounded but appear now to be out of the woods.

    The Dems (to me) appear be diagnosed with Severe Trump TDS. Symptoms include memory loss, intense hatred for all red baseball caps (until the message on them is confirmed) and intense loyalty to the point of odd messaging. Not sure there will ever be a cure.

    1. One narrative is that the shooter shot wide and a Secret Service agent put a hole in his ear with a paper-punch.

  2. Conspiracy theories abound, but using my experience with those in the government, the simplest explanation is gross incompetence.

    1. If only that were the case....
      This is treason. Plain as day. Pretending otherwise is no better than the woman ERJ describes in his post. Seriously, how can you be so obtuse as to not see they made an attempt on his life? I'm not trying to be insulting, honest. The post Joe wrote is about his incredulousness at the ridiculous stories people will believe over the obvious objective occam's-razor of truth.
      And you suggest it was incompetence?
      Did you not read the post?
      Is it because admitting and accepting the fact that the federal government is completely out of control and killing political opponents to maintain their grip on power is too painful to acknowledge?
      Brother, you and 63 million people just like you, are the reason we're in the fix we're in.

    2. At the risk of putting words into Jess's mouth:
      "When does pursuit of political agendas become treason?

      Given the glaring lack of publicity regarding the lead Secret Service person on-the-site, wanna bet they were a DIE promotion and they were given a resume-enhancing-assignment?

      That person dropped the ball in a half-dozen different ways and now they are being shielded.

      We have all seen it. Kamala Harris is a fine example. Dumber than a rock but dragged into "management" as window-dressing.

      Guess what: When shit gets real you need competent people in key positions, not prickly incompetents who bristle when competent underlings try to get the job done.

  3. "It requires less effort to believe her husband's lies than acknowledge that she was fed thousands of lies and that she were blinded by her need to believe those lies."
    Bullshit. She doesn't believe hubby's lies, she just chooses to pretend she does because it's less work.


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