Where the stories start...

Friday, June 21, 2024

Reality is a rare commodity in social media

As planned, I roto-tilled the corn patch yesterday.

It looked like hell before I roto-tilled it.

Now it looks like hell with ADA (American Disabilities Act) compliant aisle-ways.

No photos were taken. You will just have to use your imagination.


  1. If it is anything like what is going on North of you in the U.P., the crows have been having fun with the sprouts.

  2. At least you tilled! Mine's just sitting there growing grass taller than the corn!

    1. My silver queen and bodacious was 8 ‘ tall and all had corn cobs on them. The storm that hit Texas and Mexico generated so much wind here Tuesday that it laid half of them down.

      Just came back from the feed store and I’m about to go into rescue mode.

    2. Please let us know how the corn rescue works and how you did it.

      Hate storm knock down.


    3. Small garden. 40’ 40’. Cattle panel surrounding it to keep my dogs out (4). Ran twine from panel to panel and tied up (tomato style) the worst ones. Two strands per row. None of them turned brown when they were down. Now we wait


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