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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

First attempt at Tsukemono

Tsukemono are Japanese pickled vegetables.

Many options for the pickle-press HERE. Pickle-presses have a spring-loaded pressure plate to keep the vegetables submerged in the liquid. This is what 1kg of "load" looks like in a 1.5l pickle-press before the salt has not extracted much juice.

By weight, mostly shredded carrots and Napa cabbage. Trace amounts of round, red radishes (tops-and-bottoms removed and then 1/4ed) and green beans (ends cut off and halved). A little bit of dill greens.

By weight, 950 grams of shredded/cut vegetables. 15 grams of non-iodized salt and 2 grams of food-grade calcium chloride. I also added 50ml of 5% apple-cider vinegar.

Now we weight wait.


  1. When I was a kid, my Mom had a five gallon crock she used to make Sauerkraut. Homemade always tastes better than store bought.

  2. Fermentation is fun. Past experiments with kimchi were successful enough that I turned this year's winter cabbages into kraut. Got a garlic-and-dill cucumber relish started at work yesterday, it was already bubbling by end of shift.

  3. I'll be interested to see how it comes out!

  4. I have a set of glass weights I use with mason jars to counter ferment sauerkraut. They work quite well to keep everything under the brine. Cabbage grows well here (FL) as a late winter crop, and stores very well.

  5. I, too, will be excited to see how this turns out.

    I bought a sauerkraut crock last year and it just got here (along with the other stuff). Although I do not seem to do well with cabbage, Napa cabbage (pre-kimchee, as it were) is rather delicious.

  6. Now see here Joe… I don’t appreciate you working my side of the street!

    You’re making me look bad - AGAIN…😡


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