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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Collective Guilt


One of the magnificent monuments of Western Civilization is the concept of "Individual Guilt".

Hamas used the concept of "Collective Guilt" to justify kidnapping and holding civilian hostages. The Pro-Palestinians protestors currently in Washington D.C.  base their rage on the concept of "Collective Guilt". 

Thugs love "Collective Guilt because it becomes their Letter of the Marque  and makes crimes against any member of the "guilty group" legal and righteous (and profitable).

The protestors seem oblivious to the fact that if the concept of "Collective Guilt" is now in force, then every one of the protesters is as guilty of murdering Israeli civilians and the kidnapping, torture and holding of hostages as the Hamas goons who have blood on their hands.

If "Collective Guilt" is the de facto standard, then any Jewish person would be justified in machine-gunning the protestors down...although they would still be guilty of violating Washington D.C.'s draconian weapons laws.

You know, this all could have been solved if Mike Johnson (the current Speaker of the House) had directed the Capitol Police to open the gates and let the protestors on the grounds. Then the Hounds of Hell would have been sicced on the protestors. It isn't like there is a lack of precedent for such actions.


  1. If 'Collective Guilt' was a viable concept, then there could be no complaints regarding the activities of the IDF in Gaza, over the past few months: the justification would be more than plain, and supported by direct evidence. But as we all know, fair and even-handed treatment is the last of the priorities, and even then, only when required to survive.

    1. Collective guilt only applies to Europeans and their cultural descendants.

  2. Collective guilt = original sin? A rather old concept.

    1. The difference is that the people spewing the "Collective Guilt" trope is that Original Sin stains all people, that the stain of Original Sin is a sin before God. Collective Guilt is differential and is used by the perps as a lever to gain relative advantage and as a durable "Get out of Jail" card.

    2. See I was thinking the exact same thing. Are the people pushing/using collective guilt as a cudgel conscious they're usurping Christianity's trademark on it via the concept of original sin? Is that why they chose it...? I meant the church, too.

    3. I dont see collective guilt as equivalent to original sin. My understanding of original sin is that we all fall short. Salvation is an individual effort. My behavior cant send you to hell, nor can my behavior get you into heaven.
      I feel no guilt nor do I accept responsibility for the failings of my forefathers. Judge me for who I am and what I do.

  3. Gotta agree with Rick on this one. If you've been in the middle east, 'they' have a different perspective around 'tribes' and tribal justice.

  4. Whenever "collective guilt" is invoked, those invoking it somehow feel that they are beyond its reach because by exercising it, they are showing how nuanced they are. To ERJ's point, true collective includes everyone in the "guilt" class, even those that feel they have an out.

  5. I've often wondered what stayed the hand of Israel for as long (75 years) as it has. How long do you turn the other cheek? Yes the majority of the Palestinians want nothing more than to be able to live a peaceful life with a modest amount of comfort. But the constant attack by their leaders eventually will wear the veneer of tolerance away. When that happens the whirlwind comes calling, caring not whose house is torn asunder.
    Ole Grump


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