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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A video showing prime Cumberland Plateau landscape

I found this video (12 minute run-time) that might give readers a better "picture" of what the Cumberland Plateau looks like. This video was recorded about the time-of-year that the current segments would be happening. The North Chickamauga canyon is a few miles southeast of where "Miss Shannon's" farm exists.


  1. That is beautiful country there. I spent a few days there looking at it from a Civil War historical perspective as my great-great Grandfather who was a sergeant in the 22nd Michigan Infantry was wounded and captured at that battle and was hauled off to Andersonville Prison Camp where he died . ---ken

  2. Hiked the AT to Blood Mtn from Vogel State Park last weekend with 6 nephews. Very similar terrain. Someone from Michigan should visit in early May tosee the amazing Rhodadendon and Laurel bloom. Roger

  3. Worth holding on to

  4. As is true also for large chunks of southern central to eastern KY. Noted where those guys were hiking had been logged, clearcut some 15 -25 years ago, note the uniformity of the trees and I didn't see any 'grandfather' trees. Don't know if they brought that up in audio, had to keep it turned down where I was at.
    Good country for defenders, sucks for maneuver on offense, all options for movement 'channel' you.
    Alan E.

  5. Long history there, plus moonshiner territory!

  6. I read Horace Kephart’s Our Southern Highlanders last winter. Good description of similar nearby terrain, I think, and some of the people living there.
    Southern NH


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