Where the stories start...

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wednesday Fishing Report

The bluegills are on the beds.

I wasn't fishing for bluegills. I was fishing for dogfish/bowfin. I did not catch anything. Not even a nibble from a turtle.

The excitement was on the way home. A mile from where I live a honest-to-goodness cowgirl riding a horse and wearing working-cowboy regalia popped out in front of my Silverado not 30 yards ahead of me. I locked up all four wheels and skidded to a halt.

I looked down the hill in the direction she had come from and she had two cowboy buddies (hats, horses lariats and the whole nine-yards) helping her round up four Angus-cross steers.

I got to watch them for about twenty minutes as they moved them down the road. Calves don't move in straight lines.

I followed about 100 yards behind them with my hazards flashing. I wasn't about to pass them and spook the critters.

I got to watch a rodeo and didn't have to pay admission. I call that a win.


  1. Some people just don't appreciate country living. Glad you do!

  2. Wow Joe - for a guy who's usually very practical I'm shocked you'd pass up a 'sure thing' mess of blue gills feeding aggressively defending their beds (and tasting delicious) for a chance at a stinky ol' mudfish!!!


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