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Monday, May 20, 2024

This and that

I got feedback through back-channels that Blogger is rejecting comments. I would ask if any of you had that experience today except it would be through the comments...which might not be working.

I know that I have attempted to comment on other blogs and get "Comment failed. Try back later" about 10% of the time.


The last tomatoes went into the ground today. Roger Hastay asked Mrs ERJ to trial another variety against Sweet Baby Girl so we are going to have ourselves an honest-to-goodness horse race. The advantage of the contender is that it is an open pollinated variety so seeds can be saved.

The other tomatoes that went into the ground are an old (1943), open-pollinated variety called Golden Jubilee and an older hybrid (1969) named Jet Star.

Golden Jubilee is large and beautiful and productive and on the less-tangy side of tomato taste. It was one of the first varieties I ever grew from seeds.

Jet Star is smaller than some slicers, tastes good (if memory serves) and produces plenty of tomatoes.

Tree seeds

Redbud and European Alder are pushing their first, primitive leaves (call "cotyledons" if you play Trivial Pursuit). Still nothing from the Mancurian Ash and Persimmons. Black Locust MAY be germinating but I need to see real leaves to make the ID.

I took a walk through the food-hedge. Many of the plum pits are germinating.


The Orchard-grass started pollinating. That will limit my outdoor activities.


  1. Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons are the major plant divisions; Single leaf and double leaf sprouts.

  2. Better Boy was our big producer in raised beds last year. I am trying it again this year. Will let you know how it goes.

    1. Correction, that is Big Boy tomatoes

  3. That blocking happens to me off and on and for quite a while. I figure you were just turning the volume down on Roger.... Laughing. My wife may well want to know how you do that.

  4. I took your advice and located some Black locust seeds in the UK. The first ones are sprouting now and look healthy. Germination is low (about 20% so far), but I must learn to be patient! I;m thinking of turning some of my lawn into a veg plot to keep up with you!

  5. How long did it take for the redhuds to germinate? I am north of you in the Upper Peninsula and have greenhouses to be able to start. Do you think they would survive the winter up here?

    1. I soaked the seeds over-night and then cold-stratified for 60 days.

      Seeds were planted in soil May 1 in trays and put on the picnic table in the middle of the yard.

      So that is about 21 days from hitting the dirt to pushing green.

      Your best bet would be to find seed sources in northwestern Illinois or southwestern Wisconsin or Iowa. Many redbud seeds come from southern states where it is much more common.


  6. ERJ - I have experienced this issue on several blogs (including my own). Generally, I have to disable and re-enable my VPN or completely shut down the internet window and restart it. There does not seem to be any rhyme or reason.

  7. What will multiple varieties of tomato do to the seeds you harvest for next year? Will you get cross pollination and your own hybrid? My approach has always been pick one but it is limiting. Be nice to know if I worry over nothing so I am asking. Roger

    1. I think most tomatoes are pollinated by bumblebees and are "buzz pollinated" with their own pollen. Some cross-pollinating occurs but I think it is primarily selfed. Unlike pepper flowers, the flowers of tomatoes are vase-like and mostly enclosed.

  8. I've always grown Jet Star. Not a huge Tomato but you're right about the taste and the quantity.
    My favorite.


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