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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Racing against the clock

The pollen of Orchard Grass (Dactylis glomerata) is my kryptonite. My eyes swell up and become irritated and itchy. I pretty much write off the week that pollination of that species is peaking.

Everything seems exceptionally early this year. My "lost week" is usually the first week of June. I expect it to start in the next seven days this year.

One of the countermeasures we are trying this year is a small HEPA filter in our bedroom. The unit is rated for 215 square-feet. We are also going to disrobe and put our day-clothes in a hamper in a different room, then to shower in an attempt to avoid walking more pollen into the bedroom.

We just started doing this but so far the results exceed expectations.

Today it took me 90 honest minutes to plant 15 raspberry bushes and to armor them against deer. I planted 6 Nova, 3 Killarney, 3 Joan J, and one each Brandywine and Royalty. Raspberries are a luxury fruit. A freshly picked, fully ripe raspberry is a delicate treat that does not travel well. On the positive side, once established they require little care, at least in our climate.

Raspberry freezer jam made with raspberries you grew and picked yourself is one of life's finer treats. Throw in a three-egg omelet made with lots of extra-sharp cheddar cheese, ham sliced thick and fried in a cast-iron skillet and toast made from thickly sliced, home-made bread and you have some good living!

Fishing report

I saw a Bald Eagle drop out of the sky and pluck something from the surface of the lake. Neither Shotgun nor I caught anything.


  1. Hepa filters work! And good plan!

  2. Freezer jam is so much better than regular jam.

  3. Check out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corsi–Rosenthal_Box

    I built one for dust control in my shop, in conjunction with my Jet dust collector. It did well this last winter on fine floating dust.

  4. Neon: thank you very much for that link. TDW-Mark II and I suspect it might be very useful under many circumstances!

  5. Sharp cheese will add to my allergy issues so I avoid it this time of year. Allergic reactions are cumulative and molds are often a big one for many people so I would suggest that if you are feeling sensitive you might want to eat a big piece of that extra sharp cheese and see if it makes you suddenly worse. Then you will know. ---ken

  6. Second that - my mom's raspberry freezer jam is awesome, at a completely different level, far beyond any commercial product.

  7. Red Raspberries.
    We started with Heritage years ago and have tried Polana, Himbo Top, and we planted Joan J this year.
    We still make raspberry jam using the reduced sugar recipe, but we have shifted over to raspberry jelly, and we found a recipe for red raspberry syrup that we have nicknamed Red Gold.
    We will do freezer jam depending on space available, because we can skip right past the water bath process.
    We will usually freeze the berries after a cursory look over, and then do the jam, syrup, and jelly making in the fall when it's cooler.

  8. Could we get a picture of your raspberries after planting? I currently have 6 15-gallon tubs full of plants that would not fit in the move last year. I had to develop a new patch garden. My current nemesis are the rabbits who eat everything down to 4" each winter. This forces new growth each season. The tubbed plants are the only ones currently safe from this fate.

    1. The hot-ticket is for you to plant fall-fruiting varieties. They fruit on the current year's growth. Joan J is consistently the most productive fall-fruiting variety by a wide margin.

      Nova is unusual in that it has a decent crop in the fall and in July. I would not try it any farther north than 43N as it is a LATE fall crop.

      My system is pretty simple. I use 24" high "chicken wire" fencing and cut a 30" length. I twist it together in three places to make a 10" diameter cylinder which I slide over the new plant. Then I drive a stake through the cylinder to secure it.

      The raspberries are off-site but I have other plants that are protected with the same system and will get a picture out to you in a day or two.

  9. I assume you're using some sort of antihistamine? If not, I can recommend fexofenadine (Allegra). Works like a charm.


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